JAKARTA - PT, a suspect in corruption in grant funds from the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) Dompu, reported the theft of the accountability report file (LPj) of grant funds to the police.
"It has been reported to the Dompu Police, [the case] about four years ago, long before the determination of the suspect. But what, until now the report has not been followed up," said Abdul Hadi Muchlis, PT's attorney in Mataram, NTB, Wednesday, April 12, confiscated by Antara.
He suspects that the LPj of the grant funds that went missing when the suspect PT was still active as Chairman of KONI Dompu was part of political engineering.
"So, I see that in this case there is engineering, not from APH (law enforcement officers), but from people who do not like our clients by stealing LPj files. The perpetrators are suspected to be insiders (conI Dompu management)," he claimed.
Therefore, if the auditor who conducted the examination from Monday 10 April to today urged the suspect PT to show LPj from the use of KONI Dompu grant funds for the period 2018 to 2021, Hadi Muchlis guaranteed that his client would not be able to grant the request.
Hadi Muchlis also gave advice to auditors to ask for a copy of the LPj file of the KONI Dompu grant to the Dompu Education, Youth and Sports Office (Dikpora).
"The company here is the leading sector, there is also the BPKAD, they have received the LPJ. Remember, this is a grant, the report is annual, if there is a problem that year, it means that the following year it cannot be disbursed before there is accountability," he said.
Likewise with the role of the Dompu Inspectorate. According to him, auditors can also ask for information from the government's internal control apparatus (APIP).
"If there is a shortage in the annual report, the inspectorate will certainly provide a recommendation, but this is not, what is it?" said Hadi Muchlis.
Investigators named PT as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of KONI Dompu grant funds on Tuesday, April 4. After the determination, investigators immediately detained the suspect PT.
As a suspect, investigators apply the allegations of Article 2 paragraph (1) and/or Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001.
Assistant for Special Crimes at the NTB Prosecutor's Office, Ely Rahmawati, in a previous statement, said that in this case there was a potential loss to the state as a result of an independent count of around Rp. 3 billion.
To confirm the existence of evidence of state losses, the NTB Prosecutor's Office cooperated with the NTB Inspectorate and is still waiting for results. Today's PT examination is also related to the audit team's efforts to complete the results of the calculation of losses.
During the investigation process, the prosecutor's office has also conducted searches. There are two locations, the Office of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Dompu and Dikpora Dompu.
The search was led directly by the Coordinator for the Special Investigation Unit of the NTB Attorney General's Office, Burhanudin. A team from the NTB Prosecutor's Office came down accompanied by the Head of Intelligence at the Dompu Kejari, Indra Julkarnain.
Several important documents related to the distribution of grant funds to KONI Dompu have been confiscated. The process of distributing grant funds known through BPKAD Dompu and Dikpora Dompu is the reason for the search.
Regarding the search that took place in mid-June 2022, investigators have included the results in the need for an audit by the inspectorate.
The alleged corruption case of grant funds is related to management in 2018-2021 for sports development and preparation for the implementation of the NTB Provincial Sports Week (Porprov) in 2018.
There are allegations that the budget is being used not according to the designation. There are also purchases of items that are suspected to be fictitious. This allegation was confirmed by the absence of accountability reports on the use of the budget.
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