PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol recorded the number of visitors who are recreation while waiting for the time to break their fast during Ramadan this year in its tourist area as many as 100 thousand people.
Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Eddy Prastiyo said this was thanks to the Ancol Entrance Ticket program for free Dream Parks for residents who wanted to bury them on the beach tour.
"We are very happy that the community welcomes this program, we hope that all levels of society in Ramadan this year can enjoy Fertilizing on Ancol Beach for free, as well as being able to enjoy food in Ancol to open up," said Eddy in his statement, Wednesday, April 12.
Eddy said, the number of visitors is an accumulation of the realization of the use of free Ramadan tickets from March 23 to April 10.
"For the highest number of free ticket users to date, it happened on April 8 where there were 12,700 visitors on that day," said Eddy.
The majority of visitors enjoy their time at the Stone Area of the Symphony of The Sea. At that location, lanjtt Eddy, there is a Ramadan bazaar that serves food and drinks for breaking the fast.
In addition, there are also special event performers on weekends such as Islamic Lecture, Ramadhan Jazz, Gambus, Stand Up Comedy and also Ramadhan Talkshows that can be enjoyed while breaking the fast.
"Visitors can also perform tarawih prayers in places provided by Ancol at the 2nd floor Beachfood and also at the Baiturrahman Jaya Ancol Mosque," he explained.
Based on information released from the official Ancol website, visitors who want to enjoy this free ticket must make a reservation at the link or link at
- Here's how to get a free Ancol ticket:
1. After opening the official Ancol page, prospective visitors can click “ buy a ticket ”.
2. Next select the arrival date
3. After that, select the option “ free Ancol entrance ticket - not including the vehicle (17.00-23.00 WIB) ”.
4. Enter the number of visitors
5. Then click the words “ register now ”.
6. Furthermore, prospective visitors can fill in their personal data and click “ continue”
7. The last stage is verification
8. Tickets will be sent to registered emails
If you want to bring a vehicle, prospective visitors can also buy a vehicle entrance ticket. The details are IDR 25,000 for the car and IDR 15,000 for the motorbike.
In addition, visitors must meet the requirements for entering Acol set by the manager, namely the first and second doses of COVID-19 vaccination. Visitors are also required to show proof of vaccination.
Currently, the Ancol area operates until 24.00 WIB. This operating hour is extended from the previous to 22.00 WIB. This extension of operational time is carried out to provide opportunities for visitors to be able to enjoy their tourist areas longer.
However, the location that is still operating until midnight is only in the Ancol park and beach area. This location can be used by visitors for recreation to exercise.
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