JAKARTA - Toronto Chapter BLS shared a new photo of Zakk Wylde in the studio working on the new Black Label Society album.

The band's twelveth studio album will be a follow-up to Doom Crew Inc., which came out in November 2021 through MNRK Heavy (formerly eOne Music).

In Doom Crew Inc., Wylde did as though buying and selling guitar solos with Dario Lorina, supported by old bassist John "J.D." DeServio and powerful drummer Jeff Fabb.

A year and a half ago, Wylde told Morristown radio station, New Jersey 105.5 WDHA about the process of writing the song Black Label Society.

"As always happens, always music first and then melody. And then I have to find something I want to sing. So I will write the lyrics. It's usually always like that. And then, after everything is done, then the solos," Wylde said.

"The painting is complete, and the solo is the frame that's happening. So you can sit down and see everything. That's how we always do it... I'm just going to drink a cup of coffee and start writing riffs. You're always inspired by for me, it's always Mount Riffmore, namely Cream, Mountain, Led Shiplin, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple...

"If you're not inspired by the riffs those guys make, it's like... So I'm just going to go fishing and start writing until you get something you like."

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