JAKARTA - The band Slank was famous for its anti-corruption-themed songs and social criticism. Thejian was perpetuated long before the formation of the latest Slank Kaka (vocals), Ivan (Bass), Ridho ( rhythm guitars), Abde (guitar), and Bimbim (drums). This step is so that Slanker (Slank fans) dare to fight bad.

The song Gossip Street (2004), for example. A song containing criticism of the behavior of corrupt officials' lives caught the attention of the people's representatives and caused a stir. The Honorary Board of the DPR RI was offended by the song Slank.

The love story and the dynamics of young people is that the famous community has gained popularity in the music world. The formula is widely used by band children to seize the Indonesian entertainment world market. Slank, let alone. A group of young people see the theme of love and problems of children their age as a surprise.

They then tried to adapt the theme in the process of creating the song. The band, which was born in Gang Potlot, Kalibata, South Jakarta in 1983, began to enter the Indonesian music jungle. The result was brilliant. Slank is famous throughout the country since 1990. They are admired and missed. In fact, from the name Slank appeared the term popular song, aka Style Semau Gue.

Success also affects Slank's musicality. The lyrics of Slank are a little more mature. Even though then Slank began to change personnel. The journey made Slank start a little bold. They occasionally compose songs with social criticism themes.

The matter of extortion and the behavior of representatives of the people is the most highlighted. Take for example in the song Borrokrasi Complex. The song, which comes from the Blue Generation Album (2004), tells about the complexity of the bureaucracy in Indonesia. Any business is often complicated unless there is pelicin money.

Another song that perpetuated Slank's social criticism was Dong Blank. As the title implies, the song from the album Kejuh Sad (1997) is considered suitable for the condition of the people's representatives who talk a lot, with minimal results.

Slank's anger was not without reason. The bad behavior and corrupt behavior of the people's representatives must be immediately fought. They, especially Bimbim, wanted representatives of the people who were corrupt and caught in trouble to be humiliated immediately.

The law of shooting is not here. There is also no hanging law either. Just moral law, humiliation. If there are corruptors who are found guilty, just get paraded to the Monas field. In front of the people, they are shot with a water gun that is given chili.

"This effect will embarrass him (the corruptor), because sometimes people are not afraid of the law but are equally embarrassed. If people are noisy, just diem. But if they are only scared that the police will actually dodge, they are suspected of teasing," said a man whose full name is Bimo Setiawan Almaczumi (Bimbim) in an interview with Tempo Magazine entitled Slank: Many Proudly Called Corruptors (2008).

Slank, who later appeared with the latest formations (Kaka, Abde, Ivan, Ridho, and Bimbim), continued to perpetuate songs full of criticism and criticism to the authorities. The song Gossip Street is echoed.

The song, which is part of the Plur Album (2004), tells the story of satire to the bad behavior of the state officials, including the corrupt representatives of the people. At first this song was not very well known to the public. Especially by members of the DPR RI. The song even dimmed itself.

Everything changed when Slank began collaborating with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) from 2007. The similarity of vision and mission to fight the corrupt behavior of officials became the estuary. The song Gossip Street is playing everywhere again. Mainly, when Slank provided "Save KPK" support in front of the KPK building in March 2008.

The song's echoes then disturbed the minds of several representatives of the people. Moreover, Slank tried to 'insist' the people's representatives with provocative lyrics: Want to know the mafia in Senayan. The work of the regulatory maker. Make the Constitution, in the end the money.

The redness of the DPR RI also peaked. The anger was expressed directly by the Chairman of the Honorary Board of the DPR, Gayus Lumbuun. In essence, the DPR RI was offended by Slank's song Gossip Street at the KPK Building. The lyrics are considered painful. Even though the song is an old song.

Gayus said it was not only his personal reaction, but also a number of other representatives of the people. He suggested that Slank not enter the realm of politics. This is because many areas will ride Slank's action. Slank's song that disturbed the DPR also attracted the attention of many wide audiences and gave rise to pros and cons. Sastrawan Goenawan Mohamad even willing to dissect the lyrics of the song Gossip Street.

'Of course this is not a mafia in a football stadium, but in the house of the honorable people's representatives. The people's representatives are indeed builders, meaning that they receive more orders. For example, making laws that are offered by the government, as partners. However, like any handyman, if you are not given additional wages, the work can be delayed.'

"This everyone knows As a handyman, eh, a representative of the people, his power is extraordinary. There is no legal law if he doesn't leave this people's representative building. Leaders of state institutions, including those who lead Bank Indonesia, must be approved by representatives of the people. Prospective leaders are tested for hours and can be rejected. They determine the black and white of this country. That's why many 'working partners' are afraid if they don't give compensation. Yes, the smallest gives severance pay for trips abroad, "explained Goenawan Mohamad in his paper Tempo entitled Gossip Street (2008).

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