YOGYAKARTA How often do you stay up late? Activities staying up all night are sometimes needed for various purposes. However, staying up late will have a bad impact on body health. Then what happens to the body when you lack sleep?
Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Health sleep is an important passive activity, especially for the mental and physical health of humans. Even good quality sleep will also have a good impact on hospital fitness and mental and emotional health. The body needs adequate rest to recover from daily activities. So what are the benefits of sleep for humans?
Immune tubuh akan semakin baik saat rest cukup karena akan menghasilkan cytokine, protein yang membantu menyerangkan infeksi dan peradangan pada tubuh. Saat cytokine kurang maka tubuh akan kesulitan melawan infeksi dan penyakit.
When you are stressed Try to sleep enough and avoid staying up late. When a human sleeps, the body will be in the first five important stages, the work of the brain slows down and the body relaxes, second, the body will not respond to sound, third and fourth there will be physical improvements, and the fifth will be in the REM (rapid eye movement) stage or conditions during high sleep.
Sleep well is able to help maximize brain performance, especially memory function. Concentration will be greatly disturbed when you are short of sleep. In addition, the brain will find it more difficult to store memory. If done too often, the risk of disruption will increase.
Athletes are highly recommended to sleep enough because it helps restore muscles. When sleeping, the pituitary glands will release the growth hormones that muscles need to improve and build tissue.
Life productivity in general will increase if you sleep enough. The reason is, lack of sleep will affect physical and psychological health. When both are disturbed, productivity will be disrupted. This applies the opposite.
Then, what if the body lacks sleep?
If you are sleep deprived for a long time, it will trigger chronic diseases ranging from diabetes, heart problems, to obesity. Not only that, lack of sleep will also have an impact on depression and decreased immunity. Not only that, quoted from the Ministry of Health website, research shows that a person's sleep pattern affects blood sugar levels.
To reduce the bad effects of sleep shortages, know the duration of sleep that humans need based on age.
A baby who is only born until the age of 1 month will take 14 to 18 hours of sleep per day
After entering the next month, the baby's tudur time will be reduced to 12 to 14 hours per day.
Children who have entered school aged 3-6 years need a minimum of 11 to 13 hours of rest which includes naps.
The next age, which is 6-12 years of sleep, is 10 hours.
The duration of sleep will decrease. Ahead of teenagers, the need for sleep that the body needs is 8-9 hours.
The need for adult sleep also continues to decrease. At this age, the bed duration is only 7-8 hours per day.
In addition to information related to what happens to the body during lack of sleep, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.
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