YOGYAKARTA While attending formal events, maybe you cover it up when you want to cry. Even though it's in such a condition it's embarrassing if you openly listen to it, but sendawa is a normal body work function. According to gastroenterologist Alison Schneider, MD., the sindawa removes the gas created from the digestive process of breaking food into nutrients.
When we swallow food or drink, it passes through a channel called concavity and enters the stomach. Both stomach acid and digestive enzymes work to divide food into nutrients that we use for energy. Gas is created in this process," Schneider explained as quoted by Cleveland Clinic, Thursday, May 4.
Apart from working on digesting food, gas can also be swallowed together with food and drinks. The gases can rise again through your concavity. Then listen, is the way our body emits excess gas.
When you start, you may also experience a sindawa. Especially the accumulation caused by acidic conditions flow back and forth from the stomach to the concavity. This is known as the acid reflectux or gastroesophageal reflection (GERD). During this event, you may be constantly literate. So, how is it normal?
Swa four times after eating is considered normal, explains Schneider. If it's more than normal, you need to evaluate your diet or food.
Schneider added, you may swallow air and zinc if you eat too fast. It could also be because you drink carbonated drinks, chew gums, smoke hard candy, drink through straws, or have bad teeth. In addition, there are also foods associated with excessive compounds.
How to deal with condawa often, advise Schneider to eat and drink it slowly. Avoid foods such as broccoli, cabbage, nuts, and dairy products. Limit also drinking carbonated drinks such as soda and beer. Plus, avoid chewing gum, stop smoking, move after eating, and use antasides.
In a more specific explanation, Schneider explained the list of causes that often reside, including the following five:
"If you continue to interfere with your daily life or if other pain or symptoms accompany these symptoms, this may indicate other underlying diseases that require treatment," Dr. Schneider warns. If experiencing it, immediately consult an expert to get the right diagnosis and treatment.
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