YOGYAKARTA Did you know that vehicle manufacturers provide guarantees to new vehicle buyers. However, the guarantee does not always apply. There are things that invalidate the warranty of new vehicles, both cars and motorbikes, so buyers cannot make these claims under some conditions.

Vehicle guarantees are given in different periods of time, such as warranty for three years, or five years, some even provide warranty for up to seven years.

The guarantees attached to the new vehicle apply with certain conditions and conditions. Then what makes the new vehicle guarantee disappear?

Vehicle manufacturers will usually provide guarantees on condition that vehicle owners carry out regular maintenance at official workshops or workshops that have been appointed by manufacturers. The workshop usually has standards and procedures that have been determined to minimize damage from the start.

If the vehicle owner performs maintenance or service of vehicles at the workshop is not official, the guarantee cannot be claimed anymore. This means that the vehicle owner must remove funds from his personal pocket.

Currently, there are many parts of imitation or non-orginal vehicles. The choice of imitation parts is carried out by vehicle owners with various considerations, one of which is price. However, if you choose the imitation parts, the vehicle guarantee provided by the manufacturer will no longer apply.

Manufacturers will not provide a guarantee if the owner performs modified activities on vehicles that do not comply with the provisions or activities of vehicle modifications outside the standard. The modification activity applies to additional accessories, electricity, and vehicle principal spare parts. When the vehicle owner does the modification activity, the official workshop will not provide any further guarantees.

It must be noted that each vehicle has specifications that must be used according to the rules. For example, city cars have a maximum passenger capacity of 4 people. However, it turned out that it suffered damage caused by passengers being transported exceeding 4 people. Not only related to vehicle capacity but also related to the type of fuel used, maximum speed, and so on.

Manufacturers or dealers will not provide guarantees on vehicle parts that can indeed run out or run out due to usage. Onderdil is like brakes, busies, tires, oils, drive belts, air sieve, and so on. Onderdil must be replaced independently by vehicle owners without having to file an insurance claim.

New vehicle owners cannot claim guarantees for damage caused by natural disasters or accidents, especially those caused by user negligence. For example, the producer will not provide a guarantee on the car paint that is peeling due to being hit by tree branches that fall either intentionally or indirectly.

Car users sometimes make negligence that causes damage to the vehicle. When this condition occurs, the guarantee cannot be claimed. For example, you drive a car on a flooded road or inundated with high enough water that causes damage to the vehicle's electrical component. This damage cannot be covered by warranty from vehicle manufacturers.

That's information related to things that invalidate vehicle guarantees. Visit VOI.ID for other interesting news.

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