YOGYAKARTA Positive psychology practices compassion which was originally practiced to treat psychological disorders. Over time, this positive practice not only treats pathologies, but is also understood in promoting mental health. As a parent, a positive parenting pattern can help improve the quality of children's lives and achieve greater happiness.

In general, positive parenting practiced a simple method. Like gratitude and developing a positive relationship. Launching Psychology Today, Wednesday, April 26, positive psychology emerged in the late 1990s in response to the dominant focus on the negative aspect of human experience.

Martin Seligman and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, founders of positive psychology, believe that emphasizing understanding and growing positive aspects of human experience can promote positive aspects. In parenting patterns, this positive psychological practice is based on a number of principles. Here's a list that can be practiced in everyday life.

To get happiness, regular gratitude is important. Express gratitude as a family, can improve physical health and improve relationships. By practicing gratitude, it will help children be satisfied with their lives and experience less negative emotions.

Parents can teach children to meditate to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. Mindfulness increases the immune function, improves emotional settings, and increases resilience.

Relationships are often problematic because they do not provide mutual support. By providing support to those around you, they have developed a strong relationship. Social support is very important for mental and physical health. Strong emotional relationships in the family can withstand the adverse effects of stress.

Teach children to be kind or compassion for others. This can improve happiness and prosperity by giving and receiving kindness.

Children who are optimistic about having better physical health, greater resilience in difficulties, and good problem-resistant skills than pessimistic people.

Mental power leads to success. So by helping children identify and focus on their strength, it can lead to success and satisfaction in life.

Children who are encouraged to improve skills lead to 'flowing' experiences. In research, it is reported that they have greater life satisfaction when skills increase.

Children need to be taught to enjoy and appreciate every experience, even if it's a small thing. Positively, with a positive experience, children will increase life satisfaction and fewer symptoms of depression.

Children who always learn have the potential to develop in their mindset. That way, they will overcome the challenges to learn and grow. This can lead to greater success and achievement.

It is the duty of parents to accompany children's growth. Including accompanying them is connected to their goals. That way, children feel the satisfaction of life with their efforts and welfare.

Close Jessica Kohler, Ph.D., from the University of Maryland, as parents, the above principles can be applied. Besides also needing to set an example in creating a positive environment and raising children so that they always develop.

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