JAKARTA - ENESIS GROUP, an Indonesian FMCG Company that produces Health products consisting of household & personal care categories, such as Soffell, Kispray, Antis, Force Magic, and Plossa Press & Soothe Aromatics, as well as ready to drink products and food supplements such as Adem Sari, Vegeta Herbal, Vegeta Scrubber, and Amunizer provide support for health products to Tarakan Hospital, Jakarta.

Chief HR, Legal, Public Relations & Regulatory Affairs Officer ENESIS GROUP, Bambang Cahyono accompanied by Head PR ENESIS GROUP, RM Ardiantara and Head RA ENESIS GROUP, Budi Satriyo provided CSR assistance symbolically and was received directly by the President Director of Tarakan Hospital, drg. Dian Ekowati, MARS.

This provision is expected to encourage health workers at the Tarakan Hospital to continue to provide excellent service to the community. This spirit is in accordance with the value of the ENESIS GROUP, namely "Healthy Product for Healthy Family" to provide the best service, health workers must also be supported through quality products.

Bambang Cahyono said that this support was in line with the commitment of ENESIS GROUP to always prioritize the health of the Indonesian people, especially health workers.

"Through the CSR 'Healthy Product for Healthy Family' we provide health products to support the immune system of health workers and provide enthusiasm and prayers for patients and their companions at the Tarakan Hospital," said Bambang, in his statement, Tuesday, July 25.

In addition, this CSR also supports In House Training activities to Improve Quality Services through Effective Communication Skills and Hospitality.

"We also hope that this training can make communication in providing information, education, and counseling to colleagues, patients, and visitors even better so as to improve services from the Tarakan Hospital," Bambang added.

This assistance was well received by the Tarakan Hospital. Thank you to the Enesis Group for their support and appreciation. We really appreciate that the Enesis Group has the intention and Alhamdulillah it has been carried out to provide support and appreciation to all health workers at the Tarakan Hospital in providing excellent service to our clients and patients. Hopefully this health product can be useful for all of us," explained the President Director of the Tarakan Hospital.

"Hopefully our friendship and our future collaboration can be even more, even better and hopefully this can be a spirit for friends. So now those who know Tarakan Hospital are not only friends of the RSUD and Puskesmas but also from parties outside the health already know Tarakan Hospital," added the President Director of Tarakan Hospital.

The 'Healthy Product for Healthy Family' campaign was previously held at the National Brain Center Hospital and will later target several hospitals in Indonesian territory. Health products produced by ENESIS GROUP include Antis Hand Sanitizer, Plossa, Amunizer, Soffell, Kispray, Adem Sari and Vegeta Herbal.

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