Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo is committed to continuing to develop the circular economy. The involvement of creative youth is very important considering that the circular economy is increasingly becoming a trend and can solve several problems in society, especially environmentally friendly. "Actually, the economic circular is a trend. If then people have problems in their respective places and they want to solve it, it turns out that based on the sources or resources there they are able to reprocess and it turns out that the practices are good. We are trying to accompany them," said Ganjar when met after a plenary meeting at the Central Java DPRD Building, Monday 5 June.

Substances from the development of the circular economy also see the increasing interest of the community. Especially the younger generation who care about environmental issues and make the world better and more comfortable. "There are so many groups of people who are very young and demen very much to the circular economy. The younger generation is now very oriented towards environmental issues, how then the world is better and more comfortable, all of which today is disturbing, for example garbage is like that, they try to process it," he said.Contoh of waste processing was just received by Ganjar some time ago. At that time he received a shipment of clothes with natural coloring and used used used used material for clothes buttons. "It's normal to see but after I asked, the coloring is natural. I just saw natural black is very good, not too dark but the black looks dominant. Second, some of the buttons of his clothes are some of the materials that were thrown away," he said. The example that Ganjar Pranowo told is proof that in the hands of the younger generation creative generation can produce good products. The advantage is that they use materials that are usually thrown or become piles of garbage. "These young people are designed in such a good way, then they become good products. These are examples. Hopefully become trendsetter, yes, the circular economy and people want to do activities there," he said.

Pengembangan ekonomi sirkular yang mulai dikembangkan di Jawa Tengah itu ternyata juga mendapat atensi dari Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) RI. Bappenas RI mengakui bahwa Provinsi Jawa Tengah sebagai provinsi yang mulai inisiasi untuk sirkular ekonomi. Di bawah kepemimpinan Ganjar Pranowo, Provinsi Jawa Tengah serius untuk berkomitmen mengembangkan penerapan energi baru terbarukan atau EBT. Itu terlihat dari banyaknya jumlah desa mandiri energi (DME) di Jawa Tengah yang saat ini telah berjumlah 2.353 DME. Seluruh DME tersebut terdiri dari 2.167 DME inisiatif, 160 DME berkembang, dan 26 DME mapan."Penghargaan itu bukan tujuan, tapi substansi dari program itu harus menyentuh kelompok masyarakat," kata Ganjar Pranowo.

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