Digital Literacy Must Be Even, Kominfo Holds Discussions In 5 Kelurahan In Makassar

JAKARTA - In this 4.0 era, the development of a country can be explained through the level of digital literacy spread throughout the community. Not only the people of the city, digital literacy must also penetrate the community to the grassroots.

But unfortunately, the understanding of living with digital technology in Indonesia is still not evenly distributed. If you continue to survive with this situation, it is not impossible that Indonesia will become a country that is lagging behind.

"Indonesia is currently ranked 56th out of 63 countries surveyed, this is indeed a bit backward. But if we look at it (International Telecommunication Union) We out of 115 are now ranked 111th. Information technology has made a lot of progress for human life. Moreover, the increasing use of computers and the internet is in helping to facilitate various jobs and daily activities," said Samuel Abrijani Pagerapan, Director General of Informatics Applications Kominfo RI in his speech online, Saturday 5 August.

To prevent this possibility, the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) together with Siberkreasi held a Digital Literacy Science Explor event with residents of Lorong Wisata in a number of areas in Makassar. This activity raised the theme Anticipation of Hoaxes and Personal Data Protection' and was held simultaneously in Maradekaya Village, Parantambung Village, Maccini Sombala Village, Barombong and Bonto Duri Village in two sub-districts, namely Makassar District and Tamalate District.

The issue of anticipation of hoaxes and protection of personal data is important because it is still one of the largest cybercrimes in Indonesia. From existing cases, the victims are people who do not understand the use of the digital world.

"Not a few also contain negative information, for example the spread of fake news, radicalism, hate speech, and fraud. The policies and capabilities of each device user are needed in controlling the information they get on the internet," he added.

In addition to a number of areas in Makassar, Kominfo will continue to hold activities like this so that digital literacy of the Indonesian people is evenly distributed. To be able to continue to obtain information on Gali Science activities and other exciting activities, you can see through or follow the social media of Digital Literacy Kominfo.