Without Complicated, These Are 7 Daily Sports That Women Can Do To Lose Weight

JAKARTA - If you wonder why it's difficult to lose weight even though your diet has been maintained. Know that compared to men, women usually experience a decrease in metabolic rate. In early terms, the woman's body does not use many calories to perform body functions such as blood circulation, breathing, and thinking. The remaining calori is stored as fat.

So, what should be done so that the body shape remains ideal? Well, it's time to increase cardio training and strength. And balance it with a balanced diet. Here are tips for exercise to lose weight.

Although it is often considered not a sports activity, walking is one of the most impactful habits that can be done to lose weight. Walking can help burn calories in the body every day. So that the results are maximized, leave about 30 minutes every day to walk.

"Squats have an effect on your glutes, front thighs, and back thighs, helping build fatless muscles that increase your metabolism," explains Tyler Read, founder of PT Pioneer.com, quoted by Eat This, Thursday, July 20.

The movement is quite easy. Open your legs as wide as your shoulders on the floor. Place your hands on your hips, chest, or stretch in front of you so that your body becomes stable. To intensify this exercise, you can also hold a set of dumbles next to your body. Start the squat by bending your knees and pressing your hips back. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor or lower. Push both legs to get back on your feet. Complete three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions.

Like it or not, pushup is a very good calorie-burning sport. According to Read, pushups are good for tightening the upper body and core. If classic push-ups are too difficult, start with a knee push-up or a wall push-up.

To do the standard push-up, start with a plank position and lower your chest and body to the floor by bending your elbows and shoulders while maintaining the core muscles. When your body is about an inch from the ground, lift your body with both hands to return to the top position.

To make it more difficult, you can get your hands closer or shift your body forward while holding your hands on the spot to reduce leverage and increase muscle difficulty. For advanced levels, you can do one-hand push-ups.

Lunges is another productive exercise that trains the lower body, including the front thigh, back thigh, and buttocks. To start, take a big step forward with one leg. Bend your knees to start the lunge, and get down. Keep the upper body straight, and make sure the front knee does not exceed the toe. Then, push the body with the front heel to get back on your feet. Bring your back to the front to finish the lunges. Do three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions per leg.

Get used to getting your whole body working and increase your heart rate with the mountain climates movement. To get started, assume a tall board with your hands under your shoulders and legs stretched behind you. Lift your right knee towards your chest quickly before stretching it back. Then, repeat the same movement as your left knee. Continue to alternate when you do three sets with 30 repetitions.

Jumping the rope can burn a large amount of calories in a short time and work both for the lower and upper body. Start by jumping for one minute, taking a breath for 30 seconds, and repeat. Once you build stamina, make the goal of completing longer jumps, such as two to three minutes in a row.

The steps to do the plank are, lying face down on a mattress or floor. Lift your body and make your lower arm a focus. Position comfortably elbows under the arm. Lock your stomach, inner thighs, and buttocks. Make sure your knees don't touch the floor or mattresses. The position of the back must be parallel and the body relax Do plank exercises for 20 seconds. Give a break and do 2-3 times the repetition.