Realization Of Semester I 2023 Oil Lifting Capai 615.5 BOPD
JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) explained the realization of the main performance achievements in the first semester of 2023.
Deputy Chairperson of SKK Migas Nanang Abdul Manaf revealed, until the first semester of 2023, the realization of oil lifting in the first semester of 2023 was 615.5 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) or lower than targeted in the first semester of 2023 to reach 618.7 BOPD.
"The realization until June 30 is 615.5 BOPD or 100.2 percent yoy. 2 percent above last year's first semester," Nanang said at a press conference in Jakarta, Tuesday, July 18.
Meanwhile, the realization of the gas channel or gas lifting until the first semester of 2023 was successfully realized by 5,308 MMSCFD or lower than the target in the first semester of 2023 of 5,322 MMSCF.
Previously, gas lifting was targeted at 5326 by the end of 2023
"In contrast to the planned shutdown and several projects, especially gas production, it does not meet the on stream target, for example, Jambangan Tiung Biru, which is still progress in completing and is also related to Tangguh," explained Nanang.
He continued, the realization of the first semester of 2023 cost recovery is worth US$3.07 billion or higher than the same semester in 2022 and is targeted to reach US$8.25 billion by the end of 2023.
Nanang explained that this was due to several delayed investment jobs, such as the development of very busy areas due to a safety stand down so that all rigs used throughout the Pertamina group had to be inspected.
"It turns out that some cannot be used, so they have to repair and complete safety equipment and avoid the same accident. So that in the current position there is a shortage of rigs and while we are trying to continue to fulfill additional rigs and comply with inspections or according to safety requirements," explained Nanang.
Then the realization of upstream oil and gas investment in the first semester of 2023 is still below the investment target in 2023.
SKK Migas noted that the realization of upstream oil and gas investment in the first semester of 2023 had only reached 5.7 billion US dollars, below the investment target in the first semester which was targeted at 7.4 billion US dollars.
Just so you know, the upstream oil and gas investment target in 2023 is recorded at USD 15.54 billion and has only reached 77 percent of the target for the first semester.
"The upstream oil and gas investment is constrained by wells, there are projects that are not yet on stream. Outlookkita 15.6 billion US dollars with existing calculations and forecasts with the current parameters according to the target earlier this year," concluded Nanang.