Police Arrest Manager In Banyumas Embezzle Company Money, Mode Of Fictitious Order And Income Sunat

The police have uncovered a case of embezzlement of money from a company in Banyumas Regency, Central Java (Central Java). The suspect serves as operational manager using a fictitious order mode and circumcision of company income.

"We have secured AT (51) a resident of Kaliori Village, Kalibagor District, Banyumas Regency," said Banyumas Police Chief Commissioner Edy Suranta Sitepu in Purwokerto, Banyumas, Friday, July 7 afternoon.

According to him, the arrest was made after his party received a report related to the alleged crime of embezzlement of money belonging to PT Semangat Muda Perdana in Kaliori Village, Kalibagor District, Banyumas.

He said the embezzlement was allegedly committed by AT, who is the company's operational manager.

In this case, he said, AT was suspected of embezzling company money from 19 March 2022 to 13 July 2022.

"At least, the criminal act of embezzlement is still within 2022," he said, quoted by Antara.

Kasatreskrim Kompol Agus Supriadi Siswanto added that the suspect AT committed the crime of embezzlement in two ways.

First, he said, AT made a fictitious store order in the form of ordering goods to the company which seemed to be done by consumers, but the goods were not sent to the address of the customer.

Agus said the second method used by the suspect AT was by circumventing payments from consumers or shops, but some of the money he received was not deposited with the company.

"As a result of this act, the company reported AT to the police with a total loss of Rp. 84,527,393.00," he said.

Based on the report, he said, Banyumas Police Satreskrim officers immediately arrested AT and secured evidence in the form of invoice sheets, savings account books belonging to the perpetrator, salary payment slips, employee appointment letters, and internal audit results.

During the examination, he continued, AT admitted that all of his actions and those concerned would be charged with criminal acts of embezzlement in positions or embezzlement.

"In this case, AT will be charged with Article 374 of the Criminal Code or Article 372 of the Criminal Code," said Kompol Agus.