Ali Sadikin Appointed As Candidate For Indonesian President In Today's History, June 20, 1977

JAKARTA – Today's history, 46 years ago, June 20, 1977, University of Indonesia (UI) students, Dipo Alam (Chemistry FIPIA-UI) and Bambang Sulistomo (FIS-UI Politics) caused a stir throughout the country. They filed a petition nominating Ali Sadikin as a candidate for President of the Republic of Indonesia for the 1978 elections.

Previously, the relationship between Ali and Suharto was never good. Ali was transformed into one of the regional heads who was able to refuse to be driven by Suharto. Moreover, Suharto was less popular than Ali.

Ali Sadikin's stubborn attitude had been warned long ago. He was predicted to be difficult to drive by many parties. It was this fact that made Bung Karno fall in love with Ali in 1966. The number one Indonesian immediately appointed Ali as the new Governor of DKI Jakarta.

Bung Karno's decision brought results. Jakarta has improved a lot thanks to the leadership of Ali Sadikin. This success was even tasted during the Suharto era and the New Order (New Order). Ali Sadikin's leadership was seen as successful. Even though Ali often perpetuates controversies such as legalizing gambling and prostitution.

Ali was also given the opportunity to serve for a period of two until 1977. Ali only needed 38 months in office just to build 200 school buildings. A large number compared to schools established 20 years earlier in Jakarta.

Ali Sadikin received his guests when he was Governor of DKI Jakarta from 1966-1977. (Perpusnas)

Ali Sadikin also pays attention to the lives of DKI Jakarta government officials. He gave them great support facilities. So they don't eat people's money. This step made Ali's leadership praised throughout the country.

The achievements are real and can be felt by the general public. His popularity grew even higher when he emerged as a figure Suharto could not steer to smoothen the New Order's agenda.

"I tried to compile a list (of Ali Sadikin's achievements) from memory: H.R. Rasuna Said Street, Casablanca Street, Ismail Marzuki Park, a number of youth centers, an amusement park on Ancol Beach, a film center, the Textile Museum, the Puppet Museum, the Museum of Fine Arts, city bus stations, bus stops, traffic lights, taxis, parks small parks, villages connected by neat roads. Those who were born or arrived late in this city will not experience the amazing process from 'nothing' to 'something'," concluded Goenawan Mohamad in his article in Tempo Magazine entitled Aladin (2008).

Later, Suharto and the New Order were confused. Ali's popularity is increasing. Orba did not remain silent either. The owner of the power then removed Ali from the position of Governor of DKI Jakarta. he was replaced by Tjokropranolo.

However, the dismissal did not necessarily make Ali's popularity decline. Ali was even proposed by UI students, Dipo Alam and Bambang Sulistomo as a candidate for President of Indonesia through a petition dated June 20, 1977.

The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ali Sadikin accompanied President Soeharto and Mrs. Tien in the opening of the 1968 Jakarta Fair. (The book of "Bang Ali: Demi Jakarta 1966-1977"/Ramadhan K.H.)

The presence of the petition shocked the whole country. Orba, mainly. The move was seen as treason. However, Ali has another view. For him, every citizen has the right to express an opinion. There are also no rules that define expression of opinion as a form of crime.

“Dipo Alam and Bambang Sulistomo came out with one petition. They put forward a candidate to be included in the election for President and Vice President at the MPR Age Session in March 1978. What they put forward was me. Then the two men sent their petitions everywhere. To the leaders of the MPR and DPR, DPRD DKI Jaya, Kaskopkamtip, leaders of political parties, Golkar, ABRI, and LBH DKI Jaya."

"Then make a fuss people. The reaction, I suspect, was considerable. It turned out that Dipo Alam was the former Chairman of DM-UI, a FIPIA-UI chemistry student who only had to write a thesis at that time. Bambang Sulistomo is the son of Bung Tomo, a final year FIS-UI political student who was detained in connection with the Malari incident," explained Ali Sadikin, as written by Ramadhan K.H. in the book Bang Ali: Demi Jakarta 1966-1977 (1992).