Kemenparekraf Releases Public Funding Expose For 3 Film Projects

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/The Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) collaborated with Bizhare and Adhya Group to hold a Finscoin Investor Gathering Film in order to launch a Public Funding Expose for 3 Indonesian Film Projects.

Launching Antara, Sunday, the event coincided with the holding of an exclusive investment offer for loyal Bizhare investors which took place in Jakarta.

In the event, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy collaborated with Bizhare and Adhya Pictures with pride in inaugurating the launch of funding for 3 productions of Indonesian films that will be opened through the website platform and the Bizhare application, through a urun fund scheme, with films directed by Adhya Pictures with 3 genres at once, namely, Bolong/The Hole (Horror) directed by Hanung Bramantyo, Tulang Belulang (Drama/Komedi) directed by Sammaria Sari Simanjuntak, and Romeo Ingkar Janji (Drama/ Romance) directed by Emil Heradi with famous actor Jeremy Thomas as creative director.

In his remarks, the Director of Financing Access at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Anggara Hayun Anujuprana said that the Investor Gathering Film event aims to invite and open up greater opportunities for the public to actively participate, one of which is as an investor in financing local Indonesian films, through the Fintech Securities Crowdfunding (SCF) platform as an alternative to financing the film industry which has been licensed by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"Through this opportunity, I invite you/Mrs. Candidate Investors who are present, let us together support the financing of the 3 film projects through the Fintech SCF platform as part of the support for the Indonesian Film Industry," said Hayun.

Chairman of the Economic Financing Working Group for Financial Technology and the Indonesia Spice Up the World Kemenparekraf, Indriani D. Laratu in his report said that of the 4 local Indonesian films that have been launched by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy on February 24, 2023, one of the films entitled "Mantra Surugana" has succeeded in obtaining financing from the public through the SCF Bizhare platform of IDR 2.5 billion in just 3 days.

"Alhamdulillah, in just a matter of minutes after the Public Funding Expose was opened through the Bizhare platform, it was recorded that the preorder of shares was worth more than IDR 700 million from the public and we pray that it will continue to move up and be able to meet the funding for the 3 film projects," said Indriani.

In recent years, the Indonesian film industry has succeeded in producing quality films with the fact that the enthusiasm of the community is getting higher to witness films by Indonesian filmmakers, even reaching more than millions of viewers.

The rapid development of the Indonesian film industry is expected to revive the acceleration of the Indonesian film industry, and have an impact on expanding job creation and creating a better Indonesian film ecosystem.