5 Resolutions In 2024 To Get Healthy Skin Ceremony
Illustration (CoolShooters/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Every beginning of the year, you make a list of resolutions in various aspects, as well as in 2024. One of them is skin care resolution. Applying a holistic approach to skin care is very important, not only the products used but also the choices made in everyday life.

Then, what are the new year's resolutions to get healthy skin? Check out the following explanations, reported by the Times of India, Friday, January 5.

Not only must it be used during holidays, sunscreen must now be included in the daily skincare routine, even in cloudy weather. Ultraviolet A (UVA) rays have longer waves and relate to skin problems such as aging and pigmentation. While Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays have shorter wave sizes and are associated with burns from sunlight. It is also important to wear 30+ SPF sunscreen at all times, even when you are in the office or indoors.

Hydration and moisturizer must be important and prioritized to eliminate and prevent other skin problems. Using good quality moisturizers with hydrating ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and ceramide will maintain hydration levels in the skin. Preventing further problems such as premature aging, dehydration, and redness.

Apart from outside, skin health also needs to be maintained internally through a healthy lifestyle. The things you do from activities, diets, to sleep habits can affect the skin. Fulfill the body's needs by eating healthy foods rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene such as strawberries, avocado, and peppers can help maintain skin health. Light exercise such as yoga and meditation is also very helpful. In addition, adequate rest of the night can reduce stress on the skin and create healthy skin barriers.

The complete night skin care routine strengthens and prepares your skin against the environmental influence the next day. Therefore, skin care may be minimal when you wake up in the morning.

During sleep, the skin absorbs 60 percent of the product more effectively than during the day. At night is the mode of recovery when skin cells regenerate, while during the day, the skin works to protect you. By using products made from active ingredients and preparing your skin at night, you can take full advantage of the body's natural rejuvenation process.

The basic routines of the night include cleaners, toners or esens, serums, eye creams, and moisturizers. However, a more thorough treatment may consist of face masks, LED therapy, or massage using a three to four-night massage tool a week. The products and tools you use all depend on your skin needs that day.

Vitamin A is the most important ingredient in optimally maintaining skin health. Retinol, derivation of vitamin A, overcome problems such as fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and acne. This essential vitamin works by attaching itself to skin cells, normalizing their functions, and rejuvenating them to behave like a younger and healthier version of themselves.

Although vitamin A is a treatment that has proven to be able to overcome skin aging, vitamin A is present in a very powerful formulation that can cause unwanted reactions. This problem is more evident in the maximum-power retinoid such as tretinoin specifically for recipes, while other retinoids such as retinol and retinol palmitate do not cause irritation too much.

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