JAKARTA - Rinoa Aurora together with her mother, Juliana Assad and Leon Dozan's mother, Betharia Sonata, have submitted a request for the withdrawal of the report against Leon Dozan for the persecution case.

On one occasion, Juliana Assad had submitted several requirements before finally deciding to file for the withdrawal of the report. One of them is to promise not to repeat his actions again.

"(Promising) Leon must not repeat his actions," said Juliana Assad at the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Monday, December 4.

Seeing this, Betharia as a mother admitted that she would guarantee that her son Leon Dozan would not repeat his actions again. He had seen for himself that his son had repented.

"I know my son, I see he does repent, I promise with me saying he doesn't want his name back, I'm sure he will hold the commitment," continued Betharia Sonata.

Apart from Betharia, Rinoa Aurora as a victim of abuse Leon Dozan also felt confident that his ex-girlfriend had changed. This was revealed by Rinoa because he saw firsthand the changes made by Leon Dozan.

"Judging from his behavior, I know Leon, I see that he has changed a lot. (changed) from his speech, from the way he walked, from his behavior, from there I can judge that some have changed a lot," said Rinoa Aurora.

Even so, Rinoa decided that the love relationship between him and Leon Dozan would not continue after being released. Rinoa chose to be alone first.

"For now, it's separate first," concluded Rinoa.

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