Former British Defense Minister Wallace Says Western ​​Have Let Proxies: In Iran's Eyes We Are Weak: In Iran's Eyes We Are Weak
Ben Wallace. (Wikimedia Commons/Downing Street No.10/Simon Dawson)

JAKARTA - Former British Defense Minister Ben Wallace said Western countries must be aware of Iran's threats, after the country's drone and missile attacks on Israel.

Wallace said Iran's behavior in the region had dashed his hopes that reformers would "someday prevail over the hardliners".

"I have learned, when fighting Britain's enemies, the only way to deal with bullies is to hit back," he wrote in the Daily Telegraph, quoted from The National News on April 17.

The British Minister of Defense in 2019-2023 further explained that London had treated Iran with caution "like a child throwing a tantrum in a restaurant".

"We have tolerated proxies and malign influences," he said.

"And many of us, including me, hope that the 'reformers' will one day triumph over the hardliners," he continued.

Wallace also highlighted Iran's links with Hamas, Houthi, Hezbollah, even mentioning Al Qaeda and the seizure of ships.

"However, demands for Iranian aggression are increasing. They have armed, trained, and directed Hamas, Houthi, and Hezbollah. They have hosted Al Qaeda leaders, seized ships, and taken hostages," explained Wallace.

"Until now, we have done almost nothing in response. In Iran's eyes, we are weak and we have to rise," he stressed.

On that occasion, Wallace also called on Israel to side with the West against Russia to "help defeat Iranian drones" deployed in the Middle East and Ukraine.

Israel had previously rejected Wallace's calls to help Ukraine, even though he warned privately they would "feel the consequences" of Russia's investment in Iran's drone program, he said.

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