Police Are Still Investigating The Causes Of Trucks Not Being Able To Brake At GT Halim Utama
Accident At GT Halim Utama/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - As many as four victims of consecutive accidents in front of GT Halim Utama, East Jakarta, are still undergoing treatment at the UKI Cawang Hospital, Wednesday, March 27. The four car drivers who were treated, one of whom was a truck driver loaded with furniture who was suspected of being the perpetrator.

Head of Traffic Unit of East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit, AKP Darwis, said that the condition of the four vehicle drivers is currently in stable condition.

"As a result of the incident, several people were injured, but were not seriously injured and had been taken to the UKI Hospital, Cawang. Including, the truck driver," said AKP Darwis when confirmed, Wednesday, March 27.

In addition, the Traffic Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Unit has also conducted a crime scene investigation related to a series of accidents involving seven vehicles at the Halim Utama Toll Gate.

According to AKP Darwis, the crime scene was matched with CCTV cameras and witnesses to determine the cause of the successive accident.

"Our TKP processing matches CCTV and marks with measuring (canned paint) piles and our witnesses have received it. There are 5'seep points' and we also have marked the last few vehicles. We make this incident clear because CCTV has limited views, but we have been able to conclude several positions," he said.

From the results of the crime scene, it is known that the incident occurred when the vehicle was queuing at the toll gate from the direction of Cikampek. The truck crashed into the queue of vehicles, resulting in another vehicle on the left side of the toll gate lane being involved in a series of accidents.

"We are currently investigating the flow which causes the truck to not be able to brake which resulted in an accident," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a series of accidents involving a number of vehicles occurred in front of the Halim Utama Toll Road GT, East Jakarta, Wednesday, March 27, morning. The successive accident occurred in front of the Halim Toll Gate from Bekasi to the Inner City Toll Road.

East Jakarta Metro Police Traffic Head, Kompol Arry Setyo Utomo said his party had deployed members of the East Jakarta Satwil Traffic Traffic Unit to the scene with the PJR Unit.

"There were four vehicles involved in the accident. The cause is still being investigated," said Kompol Arry when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, March 27.

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