JAKARTA The number of victims of gas poisoning at the PT Pindo Deli II Factory is 123 people, they are listed as residents of Kutamekar Village, Ciampel District, Karawang. The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Karawang Regency, West Java said that currently the victims are still undergoing treatment at the hospital.

"The coustic soda leak of PT Pindo Deli 2 which occurred on Saturday (20 January) night resulted in hundreds of people having to be hospitalized," said Karawang Regent, Aep Syaepuloh, Antara, Sunday, January 21.

He said hundreds of people affected by the poisoning were taken to Rosella Hospital, Mandaya Hospital, Bayukarta Hospital and Primaya Hospital.

The Regent admitted that he had visited the victims of the gas poisoning. He said that his party was mitigating the handling of people who were victims of suspected drugtic soda leakage at PT Pindo Deli II.

To date, as many as 123 residents affected by the factory's gas poisoning have received treatment at the hospital.

"The poisoned victims consisted of children, parents and pregnant women," he added.

The victims admitted that they felt almost the same symptoms, namely dizziness, nausea to vomiting and shortness of breath. In addition, there were also victims who fainted.

"I immediately ordered BPBD to carry out efforts to evacuate the victims as soon as possible. Especially those who need medical treatment to be taken to the nearest hospital," he said.

According to him, after receiving information regarding the poisoning case, the local government focused on evacuating and saving the community. Meanwhile, the police followed up by conducting an examination.

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