Siti Badriyah's In-laws Were Finally Arrested On Allegations Of Persecution Of Two Grandchildren
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JAKARTA - The Women and Children's Service Unit (PPA) of the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) managed to apprehend MY (60) the grandmother of the perpetrator of the persecution of two grandchildren in the Karang Anyar area, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta.

"Sudah ditangkap, (perpetrator) kekerasan anak itu ya. Sudah ditangkap," kata Kanit PPA Polres Jakarta Pusat, Iptu Ari Muratno kepada VOI, Rabu, 3 Januari.

MY perpetrator was arrested after the police received a report from the victim regarding a case of violence against minors. MY was secured at his home.

"(Arrested) Friday, December 29, evening," he said.

Currently, MY perpetrators are already in the Central Jakarta Metro Police detention cell. However, Iptu Ari has not explained in detail regarding the application of the articles and motives for the violence.

"The perpetrator has been detained at the Central Jakarta Metro Police," he said.

Previously, two boys aged 2 and 5 were allegedly abused by MY grandmother (60) until they suffered bruises. In fact, it is said that the child is often not fed by his grandmother.

To note, these two children live with their father who lives in the same house as their grandmother. Meanwhile, his mother had separated from the house because she was divorced from her husband.

Siti Badriyah as the victim's mother admitted that she received this information from her neighbor on Monday afternoon, December 25. The incident occurred in the Karang Anyar area, Sawah Besar, Central Jakarta.

"I just found out from my neighbor that my child was abused by his grandmother," said Siti when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, December 27.

Siti explained that when she arrived at the location, her child's condition was bruised all over his body.

On that basis, Siti decided to report MY to the Central Jakarta Metro Police. The report is registered: LP/B/3075/XII/2023/SPKT/POLRES METRO JAKPUS/POLDA METRO JAYA

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