Police Arrest 2 Dealers In Cirebon Operating In Ramadan, Methamphetamine And Hard Drugs Arrested

The police arrested two men with the initials RJ (31) and TP (25) carrying out the practice of circulating methamphetamine and hard drugs during the month of Ramadan 2024 in Cirebon.

The Head of Cirebon Police, Kombes Pol. Sumarni, explained that the RJ perpetrator was arrested for carrying a package of methamphetamine weighing 1.27 grams on Monday, March 18. "We also confiscated evidence for further investigation," he said in Cirebon, Tuesday, March 19, confiscated by Antara.

The police chief stated that based on the results of the examination, RJ acted as an intermediary for the sale and purchase of methamphetamine in Cirebon and the perpetrator admitted that he got the goods from someone who is now a fugitive. On these findings, his party immediately investigated this case and took legal action against the suspect in accordance with applicable regulations.

Untuk mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya, kata dia, RJ dijerat Pasal 114 Jo Pasal 112 Undang-undang RI Nomor 35/2009 tentang Narkoba dengan hukuman maksimal 12 tahun penjara.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators of TP were arrested while distributing 1,010 pills of various types of hard drugs in Pangenan District, Cirebon, on Saturday, March 16.

After being questioned, he said, the suspect TP admitted that the goods belonged to him and he was used to circulating hard drugs in the Cirebon Regency area. TP also stated that this hard drug without distribution permit was obtained from someone who came from Tangerang," he said. He emphasized that TP will undergo further legal proceedings to account for his actions as a dealer, by being charged with Article 435 in conjunction with Article 138 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 17/2023 concerning health and is threatened with a maximum sentence of 12 years in prison. Not only during the fasting month, Cirebon Police will not stop eradicating cases of illicit trafficking and drug abuse or illegal drugs in the Cirebon Regency area," he said.