Awkarin Praises Gibran For Focusing On Work Programs, Hiraukan Caci Makak

JAKARTA - Celebrity Karin Novilda, known as Awkarin, apparently participated in the vice presidential activity of Gibran Rakabuming Raka in Maluku. Awkarin praised Gibran for focusing on work programs, regardless of slander and milling insults.

"Regardless of how Mr. Gibran was discussed out there, it turns out that he is a really friendly and polite person, he also said. Remembering this lunch he said, 'We don't need to listen to slander and insults out there, or bring down other candidate pairs, we just focus on our vision and mission', that's about it if we quote it," Awkarin said on his Narinkovilda Instagram account, Monday, January 8.

"Hopefully Mas Gibran can be trusted in carrying out his duties to prosper his people evenly if he is elected later," he continued.

Gibran Rakabuming Raka in his campaign today promised new access and increased connectivity in Maluku as an archipelagic region so that it could create equitable development in Indonesia.

"We want an equitable development. The opening of new access, connectivity, because Maluku is an archipelagic. So, we want a new point of economic growth. So, not only in Java," said Gibran in Ambon, quoted by Antara.

The eldest son of President Joko Widodo said this when in touch with the kings in Maluku.

Gibran said investment outside Java had reached 53 percent. This shows that there is an equitable development.

He also highlighted the existence of the Capital Nusantara (IKN) project as a symbol of equitable development with the hope that areas such as Maluku will also continue to grow. "During the last debate, I said that investment outside Java was already at 53 percent. So, there has been an equitable distribution. Now there is an IKN, an IKN, a symbol of equitable development. We are waiting for what is in Maluku to be touched," he said.

Prabowo Subianto's vice presidential candidate also assesses that Maluku has a lot of potential, ranging from tourism, marine, to produce. For the marine sector, said Gibran, a fisheries downstream policy will be carried out.

"We don't want to send raw goods anymore. We have a canning factory.old storage, big, can store products for a long time. Later, derivatives of fish products will finish maalah in other sectors," he said.

Gibran emphasized that Prabowo-Gibran will pay special attention to areas that have not optimally enjoyed equitable development.

"Later we will pay more special attention, especially in Maluku. Once again, we want to no longer focus on Java alone. We have new economic growth points," he said.

In addition, Gibran also emphasized the problem of increasing human resources in the regions, one of which is by investing in Indonesian children.

"Currently, the best investment is investment in children. We want this Free Lunch program to be implemented. In our opinion, this is not a budget expenditure, but an investment towards Indonesia Gold 2045. This opportunity comes once and will not happen again," he said.