5 Signs You Including Parents Of Perfectionists

JAKARTA - Taking care of children is certainly a lot of challenges. When a baby is present at home, it means that you have a new job to carry for life, namely being a parent. Although many parenting experts say that 'parening is a tailor made', it means that each family has a unique pattern that is different and cannot be equated with other families. The reality is that there are so many social standards that confuse you in raising children. Yes, you feel like a bad parent when you can't use and meet these social standards.

Pressure in parenting makes you compete to be a perfect parent for a perfect child in people's eyes. It's sad, the 'perfect diversity' principle that you try to stay at home will make you a perfectionist parent who is prone to hurt your child now or later.

To find out if you are one of the perfectionists' parents, pay attention to the following signs, reported by the Parenting page, Friday, January 5.

Amy Morin, LCSW, psychotherapist from Northeastern University in Boston, USA, says that one of the signs that perfectionist parents is easy to blame yourself. You criticize and blame yourself when your way of parenting doesn't work.

You always see how other parents raise their children and what their children can achieve. Then you compare it to your condition. This really makes you depressed.

Elizabeth Lombardo Ph.D., a Illinois psychologist, the US says that one of the signs of perfectionists is always demanding others to meet their standards. The reason is, they believe they always give their best. So, they hope others do the same.

Therefore, perfectionist parents tend to want their children to meet everything they think is good, but often ignore the child's opinion.

Perfectionists think that only he can get the job done well. Therefore, he rarely delegates tasks," said Elizabeth.

Perfection parents do not believe that their children can complete their work such as simply sweeping houses, washing dishes, or cleaning their own rooms.

Therefore, he often refuses child assistance. Even if he receives assistance from his son, it is very possible for him to check the results of the work and repeat it if it is deemed inappropriate.

Morin believes that always working on children's schoolwork can be one of your signs, a perfectionist's parents. For example, when a child gets handicrafts assignments. You do the task because you feel you can do it better. And you hope your little one will get good grades from the handicrafts.