Galang Support, Ganjar Sapa Lamongan Volunteer With Sholawat

LAMONGAN. - Thousands of residents of the Lamongan coast are very enthusiastic about participating in the national prayer held by volunteers from Kiai Muda, East Java, although previously it was raining heavily on Wednesday, November 15 night at Lohagung Village Field, Brondong Lamongan District, East Java.

Sholawat, who presents KH Muhammad Ali Shodiqin, who is usually called Abah Ali Mafia Sholawat, accompanied by the modern Hadroh group Ant Ireng from Semarang, Central Java, anesthetizing sholawat lovers who are soluble in the square to praise and love the Prophet Muhammad SAW, even though the field conditions are partially muddy.

Thousands of residents of the blek menumb are looking for blessings in this prayer, appreciated by the Lamongan PDIP DPC. The party created by Megawati appreciated the enthusiasm of the residents who took part in the national prayer, even though it had previously been raining heavily.

"We would like to thank the presence of thousands of Lamongan coastal residents who excitedly participated in the Lamongan event in prayer to hunt for reward, hopefully, everyone will get an overflow of Rohmat, get benefits, and abundant rewards," said Husen, chairman of the Lamongan Regency PDIP DPC.

Thousands of residents did not move from the location of the event, they enjoyed the prayer beads held by the young East Java kiai volunteers.

He also invited all those present to pray together that the upcoming 2024 election could run peacefully, successfully producing leaders who are expected to be able to become representatives and leaders of the people in general.

He mentioned that this activity was carried out and initiated by Ganjar volunteers, namely young Lamongan, wanting to socialize the presidential and vice presidential candidate recommended by PDIP Perjuangan and several joint parties so that in the upcoming elections to elect Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD pairs.

The PDIP chairman also conveyed to the entire Lamongan community by praying to stay enthusiastic, until the time for choosing the president and vice president Ganjar-Mahfud.

"Don't forget on February 14 in 2004 to attend the TPS, invite the right and left of relatives and family to choose Ganjar Mahfud as the pair that has been determined number 3 by the KPU," he asked.

KH. Muhammad Ali Shodiqin on the opportunity to lead the prayer beads, looked stunning. How can the cold temperature condition change to warm the gap between the koplo-style prayer beads, with the lyrics 'ngungwu Patlikur Ganjar Pranowo' (2024 Ganjar Pranowo), which can be anesthetized by residents with the above hand movements, makes the temperature warm and it adds to Istiqomah, residents do not move from the venue.

Also present at this national prayer event, KH. Ali Baidowi, KH. Darsuki, the caretaker of PP Syafi'iyah Lohgung Brondong Lamongan, the local village head Nasir, the winning team Ganjar Mahfud, and representatives of the joint supporting party.