Endah N Rhesa To Navicula Create An Environmental Issue Themed Song

Dozens of musicians created songs by raising environmental issues and being presented on the sonic/panic album which will be released on November 4.

The musicians involved were Endah N Rhesa, Iga Massardi, Tony Q Rastafara, Tuan Tigabelas, Iksan Skutter, FSTVLST, Made Mawut, Nova Filastine, Guritan Kabudul, Kai Mata, Rhythm Rells, Prabumi, and Navicula.

Endah N Rhesa composed a song called Plastic Tree, which describes two sides of the development of human civilization, which one side is able to bring novelty and on the other hand presents a fear of survival.

"Actually what we are bringing in this song is our imagination that in this world there are no trees, no birds singing, and everything is artificial," Endah said during a press conference in Kemang, South Jakarta on Tuesday, October 24.

"What we want to convey is how we as humans are amazed by the new things we can find, but on the other hand there is horror there," he continued.

Then, Iga Massardi, who was involved in the sonic/panic album, collaborated with local musicians from Madura. The song he composed means Breath Island in Indonesian.

Meanwhile, Mr. Thirteen with hip hop music, brought a reflective message. He made lyrics that questioned himself as a human being.

In this song, I really want to try to chat with the people in front of the glass, namely myself. The message of the song is more self-reflection," said Tuan Tigabelas.

"The title of the song Why. Here I question myself as a human being, why do we damage the nature we live in," he added.

Then, Robi Navicula, who can be called the initiator of the album's initial launch, created a song called House Of Fire.

This song discusses hidden costs of the convenience of modern life. Described how human relations with Earth are, and reminds that modern comfort comes at a price.

From the start, we really wanted to raise ecological, environmental, and consistent issues. So, the spirit in this song is more collaborative, what will be the echo of this issue if everyone can collaborate," said Robi.

Sonic/panic album consists of 13 songs from 13 musicians with various genres such as hip hop, rock, blues, electronica, reggae pop, to world music.

The topics raised in each song also vary, such as issues of climate crisis, natural degradation, plastic pollution, and calls for collective real action.