Restless Don't Have A Partner, Anwar Defuses To Reduce Social Media And Participate In Love Class

JAKARTA - Comedian Anwar has been defecated about the new things he has been trying lately. He admitted that he was reducing social media for a while.

He did this because he felt restless because of the loneliness he did not have the partner he felt. This feeling begins when he sees his friends have started a new life in marriage.

"I'm reducing social media playing, I'm detoxing. I'm training to reduce negative auras. Sometimes I like to be nervous, I don't know why, lonely times because I don't have a partner, while my friends are all married," said Anwar. Defecation in Mampang Prapatan, South Jakarta, Tuesday, September 19.

This 30-year-old man even attended a special class called Class Cinta. In this class Anwar is taught to be a person who can accept himself and others.

One of the things he ended up doing for the success of this class was to reduce social media playing. He felt a lot of negative things he encountered when he read the news circulating.

"I'm still in class, Class Cinta is called, so it's like making me more valuable to be someone, making me take advantage of moments with my family, with friends," he continued.

"Well, one of them is from social media. The negative effect is from social media, like early in the morning seeing negative news, like murder, now that scared me. So cellphones are for connecting friends," he added.