Symptoms Of Asthenia Disease, Weak Body Condition And Powerless

YOGYAKARTA Asthenia is in a weak and non-powered body condition caused by psychological and physical problems. Symptoms of asthenia that everyone feels can vary. In severe cases, this disease may interfere with activity.

Well, in this article, VOI will discuss what Asthenia is, along with the causes, symptoms and how to deal with it.

Asthenia is a condition where the body feels weak, tired, and has no energy. A person suffering from athenia disease will complain of a weak sensation and is not energized in certain body parts, such as arms or legs. However, it is possible that the weakness also occurs in all parts of the body.

Some health problems that can cause asthenia are dehydration, malnutrition, anemia, and thyroid disease.

As mentioned above, asthenia disease can be caused by psychological and physical conditions.

Some psychological conditions that can lead to the occurrence of asthenia, among others:

Meanwhile, a number of physical conditions that can make a person experience excessive fatigue are:

Someone with athenia will complain about weakness, excessive fatigue and powerlessness. In addition, there are still a number of other symptoms that accompany asthenia, including:

In addition to a number of conditions above, there are still other symptoms that can accompany asthenia, including:

How to relieve asthenia is adjusted to the severity and underlying cause. Medical actions that can be taken to relieve the symptoms of asthenia, among others:

That's information about the symptoms of asthenia disease and how to deal with it. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.