108 Prisoners in Banjarbaru Prison, South Kalimantan Undergo Rehabilitation, Head of Chief Says Those Elected Have Been Selected

SOUTH KALIMANTAN - A total of 180 prisoners at the Banjarbaru Penitentiary (Lapas) are undergoing social rehabilitation. This effort is in the context of recovery or providing services both mentally, physically and socially.

Head of Banjarbaru Class IIB Correctional Institution, Amico Balalembang, said prisoners undergoing social rehabilitation were related to drug cases and other criminal acts.

"It is hoped that this social rehabilitation will further improve their quality of life during their sentence", said Amico in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, Wednesday, February 15, reported by Antara.

Amico said inmates or correctional inmates (WBP) who take part in the rehabilitation must undergo selection to take part in activities that have become the class IIB prison program since 2017.

According to Amico, this activity was initiated by the Banjarbaru Lapas in collaboration with the Banjarbaru City National Narcotics Agency (BNN) with the aim of inmates being accepted back into society.

"We hope that they can fully participate in rehabilitation and be accepted back into society. The most important thing is that they no longer use narcotics in any form", said Amico.

Head of Guidance, Guidance and Information Technology Division of the South Kalimantan Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Sugito, said that social rehabilitation was carried out in two prisons in the South Kalimantan region due to the completeness of the facilities.

"Social rehabilitation was carried out in two prisons, namely Class IIB Banjarbaru prison and Karang Intan Narcotics prison because both prisons have adequate facilities and infrastructure", he said.

Sugito said, his party cooperates with counsellors to support activities such as tertiary institutions and BNNK Banjarbaru City which includes social rehabilitation for physical, mental and spiritual recovery for six months.

Head of BNN Banjarbaru City AKBP Arif Wahyu Bibitharta added, hundreds of inmates participated in various programs for six months starting from assessments, urine tests, physical, mental and spiritual.

"Our target is for those who undergo rehabilitation to be clean from drugs and those who are indicated to use drugs to recover, have a healthy outlook on life and are committed to fighting drugs", he said.