
JAKARTA – The Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries for the 2014-2019 period, Susi Pudjiastuti, said that the current pandemic is the responsibility of all Indonesians.

The reason is, the contribution of each individual is very meaningful to suppress the spread of COVID-19 through compliance with health protocols.

"The fight against COVID-19 must be with care because we cannot depend on the government alone", she said on the Twitter page @SusiPudjiastuti on Tuesday, July 20.

According to Susi, the momentum of Eid that falls today can be used as a turning point to build a sense of togetherness and concern for others.

"I wish you Eid al-Adha, hopefully with all sincerity, let's together in this pandemic time we pray for family, friends, friends who have passed away and are by His side. With all sincerity, we also pray that the leaders, all of our relatives who are still struggling against COVID-19 can still be in His protection", she said.

"I know it's not easy being in a pandemic situation that has exposed hundreds of thousands of Indonesians. They are waiting in line for treatment, they are waiting for healing. Let's all work together to help our friends, our relatives who are in trouble, who are in the struggle against COVID-19, we reach out to help with the available sustenance", continued Susi.

At the end of the upload, the former bureaucrat with an entrepreneur background invites the community to continue to contribute positively and always try in their own way to get out of the current pressure.

"Let's do something. Together with sincerity, prayer, endeavor, and sustenance, we will help all to be able to win this pandemic in good health. Greetings", concluded Susi.

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