
YOGYAKARTA - Gadjah Mada University (UGM) collaborates with alumni and partners to help provide oxygen for Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital Yogyakarta and the UGM Academic Hospital.

UGM Deputy Chancellor for Cooperation and Alumni Prof. Paripurna said that the university collaborated with PT Kaltim Methanol Industri (KMI) and PT PLN (Persero) to help the two hospitals provide oxygen to treat patients.

"A total of 15 tons oxygen from PT KMI and four tons from PT PLN arrived last night", said Prof. Paripurna, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 15.

Plenary said the supply of oxygen involved alumni such as the General Director of PT KMI Agus Priyatno as Chair of Katgama, Chair of the UGM Board of Trustees Prof. Pratikno, and partners.

The distribution of the oxygen supply that has arrived in Yogyakarta, he said, will be coordinated by Dr. Sardjito Hospital.

"Hopefully this will prevent or anticipate oxygen vacancies in Dr. Sardjito Hospital", he said.

Plenary said PT KMI and PT PLN (Persero) are committed to assisting the continuous supply of oxygen for Dr. Sardjito Hospital.

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