
SIDOARJO - The Sidoarjo Police Team, East Java, arrested ten suspected perpetrators of the beatings in the Sepande area, Candi, Sidoarjo, resulting in the death toll.

The beating took place in Sepande Village, Candi, Sidoarjo, on Monday (22/5) in the morning at around 03.00 WIB. As a result of the beating, the victim with the initials MDA, a resident of Wonoayu, Sidoarjo, was found injured covered in blood due to a sharp weapon.

Sidoarjo Police Chief Kombes Kusumo Wahyu Bintoro said the alleged perpetrators of the beatings in Sepande Village, District, Sidoarjo were arrested less than 24 hours after the time of the incident.

"Most of them are underage, with the status of students we arrested," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 25.

In addition to arresting ten perpetrators, the police also confiscated several evidences of the perpetrator's crimes, including four sickles, a sword, a machete, one head of a golf club and one wood.

"The item is allegedly used by the perpetrator to persecute the victim," said the Police Chief.

Currently, the police are still hunting for the involvement of other perpetrators and trying to find groups involved in this beating case.

The incident began with the challenge of a brawl between two youth groups and most of them were students. They challenged each other on social media until the group of perpetrators invited two other groups to hunt down the group of victims in the Sidoarjo Regency area.

"Meeting them in an empty land in the Sepande area, Candi," he said.

Kawan-kawan dari kelompok korban berhasil kabur diri saat terinvasi tiga kelompok pelaku yang diperkirakan jumlah puluhan.

"Then there was one 18-year-old student MDA who was beaten by the perpetrators. After being beaten, including using sharp weapons, the victim was helpless and then taken to the hospital and died," he said.

The perpetrators who have been arrested face the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of 12 years Article 170 paragraph (2) of the 3e Criminal Code.

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