YOGYAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) has prepared a number of mitigation measures to anticipate the scarcity of clean water when entering the dry season.
DIY BPBD Operations Control Center Manager (Pusdalops) Lilik Andi Aryanto said mitigation efforts had been discussed in a coordination meeting with district/city BPBDs throughout DIY, PUP-PESDM DIY Service, and the DIY Social Service.
"Each district says it has prepared itself for dropping water if needed," Lilik said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 11.
According to him, a number of areas in DIY have the potential to experience drought every year during the dry season, including Rongkop and Tepus sub-districts in Gunungkidul Regency.
In addition to drought, there is also the potential in Dlingo District, Bantul Regency, Panjatan District in Kulon Progo Regency, and Prambanan District in Sleman Regency.
To anticipate, he said, the Gunungkidul Regency BPBD has prepared 1,000 clean water tanks and there are 10 sub-districts that have also prepared a budget for dropping water.
"Other regencies have also prepared, both with routine funds and Unexpected Expenditures (BTT) if needed. The DIY Social Service has also prepared 280 water tanks," he said.
Because this year's dry season is estimated to be drier than in previous years, according to Lilik, the availability of clean water tanks still needs to be strengthened with the support of the 2023 APBD funds.
"The role of CSR and other communities is also expected to help," said Lilik.
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In addition, the DIY Department of Public Works, Housing and Energy Mineral Resources (PUP-ESDM), he said, has also made drilling well facilities in a number of areas with the potential for drought.
"Hopefully the drill well will reduce the number of areas asking for dropping water, besides that it will also maintain reservoirs," he said.
Head of the Yogyakarta BMKG Climatology Station, Reni Kraningtyas, said the distribution of rainfall in DIY for the period 1 to 10 May 2023 or the first basis was recorded in the low-middle category ranging from 0 - 150 mm.
On the three bases of the future (Basis I May to the third basis of May 2023), the rainfall in DIY is estimated to range from 0 - 100 mm with low to medium categories.
He appealed to local governments (Pemda) and the wider community to be more prepared and anticipatory about the impact of the 2023 dry season which is predicted to be drier than the previous year.
"For areas with opportunities for low rainfall, it is necessary to take anticipatory steps to choose agricultural cultivation that does not require a lot of water, be aware of forest, land, and shrub fires, and save the use of clean water," said Reni.
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