
Garut Police arrested two village thugs who tortured two residents on Jalan Miramareu, Pameungpeuk District, Garut Regency, West Java, causing the victim to be seriously injured and having to receive medical treatment.

"This suspect stabbed two of his victims together," said Garut Police Chief AKBP Rio Wahyu Anggoro as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, April 27.

He said the thug case received public attention because one of the perpetrators, Dadang or known as Dadang Buaya, was a recidivist who had just been released from prison in the attack case at the Pameungpeuk Koramil Headquarters two years ago.

Just released from his sentence, said the Police Chief, Dadang and his friend Yusuf abused two residents, namely Opid alias Grandmother and Roni Darmawan, with injuries to his hands and head as a result of being stabbed with a small machete.

The police chief explained the cause of the abuse because the victim was reprimanded so that the perpetrator driving the vehicle properly so as not to endanger other people while on Jalan Miramareu, Tuesday, April 25 in the morning.

"This perpetrator was reprimanded by the victim not to be fast-paced, then Yusup's brother chased and beat the two victims, saw the beating, Dadang's brother came over and stabbed him with a small machete," said the Police Chief.

The police, who received reports of acts of persecution by thugs, immediately searched for the perpetrator, who after the incident disappeared, was not in his village.

The Garut Police Chief then instructed his members directly to immediately arrest the perpetrators, and asked the perpetrators to surrender before evening.

If he does not surrender, the Police Chief at that time said he would directly lead the process of arresting the thugs alive and dead, until finally the perpetrator surrendered to the police before the specified time.

"I will immediately lead the arrest, if he is cooperative I will respect him as a human being, but if he is not cooperative, and he puts up a fight when he is about to be arrested, I say I will immediately lead the arrest of him alive or dead," said the Police Chief.

The two suspects who surrendered then underwent further legal proceedings and were charged with Article 170 and/or Article 351 with a maximum threat of 7 years and for the recidivist suspect a quarter of the prison sentence for being released.

The police chief emphasized that in this case there would not be "restorative justice" because the case received a lot of public attention, it was confirmed that the two suspects would be processed according to applicable legal regulations.

"This case will not be my RJ (restorative justice), because this is a case of confiscation of the people of Garut," he said.

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