
YOGYAKARTA Did you know that boil disease cannot be underestimated. Although it can be lost by giving the right medicine, sometimes surgery must be taken on the boil to remove it. Then, when do you have a doctor to treat the boil?

In general, boils are lumps that occur in the skin containing pus and pain and are quite annoying. The boils also vary, depending on the severity experienced by a person. Bisul itself is caused by bacterial infections in the follicles, namely the place where clumps grow or fur. Because it occurs in the skin, boils can arise anywhere from the face, back neck, armpits, chest, buttocks, and even thighs.

In some cases, boils can be handled independently or given adequate treatment at home. In addition to maintaining body health, do some ways as follows.

The first treatment of the boil is compressing the bump caused by a boil with warm water of 3840 degrees Celsius. Do compressing for 15 to 20 minutes. In addition to compressing, you can soak the skin with warm water of the same duration. This method will relieve pain and accelerate boil break naturally.

Immediately clean the boils right after breaking. This step is taken to prevent bacterial infection and make the scars of the boils worse. Cleaning can be done with anti-bacterial soap until the pus is lost. In addition, use a soft dry cloth or clean cotton to rinse the water.

Immediately apply the anti-bacterial Goods to the boils to get well soon. You can buy antibiotic Goods at the nearest pharmacy. Apply the controls to the boils as much as 2'3 times a day after cleaning and drying.

It is recommended to cover boil scars with bandages to keep them clean and not easily exposed to bacteria. Economy scars are usually open, so if they are not covered, they have the potential to be contaminated with bacteria carried by flies. The bandage also needs to be replaced if it is dirty or replaced as much as one time at least.

Don't break the boil yourself at home. Breaking the boil without the doctor's observation has the potential to cause boil wounds to experience complications or infections. Bisul will break by itself when the time comes.

Although the boil can break by itself, sometimes the lump caused by the boil must be operated by a doctor. Bisul must be operated under several conditions, namely as follows.

If there are some conditions above the boil patient, it is advisable to immediately check with the doctor. Usually the boil operation will be carried out by the doctor by making an incision in the boil bump to remove the pus. In addition, the doctor will also place a streil kasal cloth to absorb and clean the remaining pus in the lump. Doctors will also provide drugs that prevent infection and speed up healing.

That's the answer to the question of when the boils should be operated on. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.

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