JAMBI - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has dismissed Muhammad Awaljon Putra from his position as Head of the Civil and Administration Section (Kasi Datun) of the Jambi District Attorney before he was sworn in as Head of Legal Affairs in the Jambi City Government. The earthquake was in the public spotlight for policeing junior high school students who criticized the Mayor of Jambi.
Jambi High Prosecutor's Intelligence Assistant (Asintel) Nophy T Suoth explained that Muhammad, Awaljon Putra's Earthquake since February 3, 2023, has been inaugurated as the Head of Legal Affairs for the Jambi City Government and has been dismissed from his position as Head of Datun Based on the Attorney General's Decree on February 6, 2023.
"That the action of Muhammad Gempa Awaljon Putra as the party that reported a student of SMP Negeri 1 Jambi named Syarifah Fadiyah Alka (SFA) to the Jambi Police was carried out in his capacity as the Head of the Jambi City Government Legal Division, no longer as the Prosecutor or Kasi Datun Kejari Jambi," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 6.
Muhammad Gempa Awaljon Putra was inaugurated as the Head of Legal Affairs for the Jambi City Government, so that the implementation of the duties concerned is no longer in the capacity as a prosecutor but as the Head of Legal Affairs in charge of the Mayor of Jambi.
Nophy emphasized that Muhammad Awaljon Putra's actions had nothing to do with the Indonesian Attorney General's Office in terms of this matter so that the media would not connect or link the actions concerned with the Indonesian Attorney General's Office.
This case attracted public attention after news on social media related to a prosecutor named Muhammad Gempa Awaljon Putra who served as the Head of Law for the Jambi City Government as the party who reported a student of SMP Negeri 1 Jambi named Syarifah Fadiyah Alka (SFA) to the Jambi Regional Police regarding criticism of the Jambi City Government through social media.
"However, we from the Jambi Attorney General's Office will seek to take mediation steps between family actors and the City Government, so that there will be no more incidents like this in the future and become a lesson for all of us," he said.
Meanwhile, the Jambi Regional Police (Polda) managed to resolve the problem between the Jambi City Government and the SFA, the owner of the tik tok account @fadiyahalkaff peacefully through restorative justice.
"After going through a series of investigations, it was finally agreed that both parties would mediate to resolve the issue with peaceful efforts or restorative justice, and have reconciled," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) of the Jambi Police, Kombes Christian Tory.
Tory said the Jambi City Government had also withdrawn its report against SFA regarding the alleged violation of the ITE Law.
In addition, SFA has also realized the result of not being able to control emotions so that he had used words that should not be conveyed in the video intended for the Jambi City Government.
Selain hal itu SFA menyadari hal tersebut karena adanya pendampingan dari Pusat Pembangunan Anak (PPA), dan pengacara. SFA juga telah memberikan klarifikasi dan permohonan maaf pada 4 Juni 2023.
From this apology, it is the basis that the Jambi City Government through the Head of the Legal Division withdrew its report to SFA.
Tory said that from the start his party had intended to mediate regarding this problem considering that SFA was still a junior high school student.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Legal Division of the Jambi City Government, Gempa Awaljon, said that his party had officially withdrawn its report to SFA to the Jambi Police investigators.
Previously, the Jambi City Government had also held a press conference regarding this issue. The Jambi City Government has also forgiven SFA for its statements on social media some time ago.
It is known that there was a SFA video circulating on social media regarding criticism of the Jambi City Government, in the video there were inappropriate words made by SFA against the local City Government.
As a result of his words in the video, the Jambi City Government finally reported the owner of the social media or SFA account to the Jambi Regional Police.