
Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin asked the Indonesian Islamic Boarding School Association (IPI) to guide the realization of the three main roles of Islamic boarding schools so that Islamic educational institutions can contribute to strengthening the country's progress.

"Persantren is important, but pesantren must be built, it must be guided. How this organization (IPI) guides pesantren," said Vice President Ma'ruf Amin when receiving an IPI Central Management Board (DPP) audience at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 30.

According to Law Number 18 of 2019 concerning Islamic Boarding Schools, this religious educational institution has three main roles, namely as educational institutions, da'wah institutions, and community empowerment institutions.

These three roles have contributed to strengthening the country's progress through its human resources, especially those studying at Islamic boarding schools.

According to the Vice President, IPI has an important role to play in supervising the existence of radical da'wah which causes the emergence of deviant ideas in society.

"And also to straighten out the ideas that exist in society. Radical understandings, but also liberal ones," said the Vice President.

As an organization that has various backgrounds, both Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, and others, said the Vice President, IPI management has networks throughout Indonesia and must be mapped immediately.

"I think this is how to map it, the functions of this pesantren are so that it develops. There should be no pesantren that don't play any role at all," said the Vice President.

The vice president suggested that IPI collaborate with related institutions to be able to carry out their duties optimally.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of IPI Boy Rafli Amar reported that since he was formed in 2016IPI has consistently contributed to advancing Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia and carrying the implementation of religious moderation in daily life.

"On our way, we invite everything for us to socialize moderation in religion, Islamic people who arewasathiyah," said Boy.

Boy also invited the Vice President to open the IPI National Working Meeting (Rakernas) which is planned to be held in August 2023.