Parents Must Be Alert, These Are 6 Signs Of Unprofessional Child Care

JAKARTA - Finding a nanny that fits the criteria can be a challenge for many parents. Even so, when the criteria are suitable for parents, they will feel comfortable and believe that the quality chosen will make the child safe and happy.

Quoting Very Well Family, Friday, May 5, here are some warning signs that thesurge you choose to work for is unprofessional and needs to immediately find a replacement.

It's only natural that you expect your child'skun to greet you, smile, and engage in light talks. This is important so that you know how your little one is developing, and also understand whether the caregiver is comfortable or not working with you. Be careful if the focus doesn't communicate with you or your child. In any relationship, communication is very important.

A good caregiver must record the instructions you give and understand all these instructions. If you tell caregivers that children should take a shower and be in bed at any given time, and they appear to be ignoring the instruction or noticeing not paying attention to anything you say, you need to determine the next action.

A family emergency or something unavoidable is bound to happen. But if the caregiver is often late or doesn't come to work often, then you need to be careful. If your caregiver doesn't care enough about work to arrive on time and be sensitive to his duties and responsibilities, then look for someone else who wants to.

It's not unusual if the child doesn't want to separate from the mother or father. But if the child becomes emotionally disturbed by being left behind with a certain caregiver, parents have to think twice about trusting that person. More than separation anxiety, this anxiety when separating can indicate something more serious.

If independent children suddenly become sticky and withdraw or start waking up all night with sleep problems. And these changes can be linked to time with caregivers, parents should be worried.

Children's behavior may change, even dramatically, but this is a sign of a warning that should not be ignored. Parents must react quickly and decisively and determine whether further investigations are needed.

Wounds or scratches or both are normal events experienced by healthy and active children. When experiencing this, a goodUSH can explain to parents who cause injuries to the child's body.

However, frequent accidents that result in injuries outside can indicate a lack of supervision or even worse, physical violence. Injuries that cannot be explained in any form serve as a sign indicating problems between the child and the caregiver.

That's a sign that caregivers work unprofessionally. If you, as a parent, see the signs above, you should be more vigilant and find a replacement immediately, yes.