Sacrificial Is Sick Because Of Midfielders, This Is The Cause And How To Treat

YOGYAKARTA The season is uncertain, sometimes the sun is strong and the next day it will be cloudy it seems that it will rain. This changing weather affects the way of eating, lifestyle, the urge to drink ice when it is hot, and the development of the infected virus. For this reason, here is an explanation of the causes and ways to treat the sore throat due to inflammation.

The virus causes the most common type of sore throat, reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Friday, April 28. Sore throat is actually not inflammation, but inflammation is only experienced by 3 out of 10 children and about 1 in 10 adults. This sore throat usually shows inflamed ambidel.

Apart from the virus, sore throat can also be caused by bacteria. Therefore antibiotics are needed to treat infection and prevent rematic fever and other complications. But sore throat requires a doctor's diagnosis to determine the cause. Doctors will first test to determine what causes a sore throat.

If you feel sore throat, it is advisable to stay at home or leave your child while you have a fever. In addition, it is recommended to take antibiotics for at least 12 hours. If the virus causes sore throats, antibiotics will not help. Because most sore throats will heal by themselves within one week.

It is important to know, if the sore throat is due to the virus, it will actually be dangerous if you take antibiotics. Because side effects cause mild reactions such as rashes, to more serious health problems. But it can also include more severe allergic reactions, such as resistance to antibiotics with diarrhea symptoms, colon damage, and causing death.

A few ways to treat sore throats can be done by making better conditions. First, you can smoke lolly ice or throat cane. In addition, you can also use cold fog vapor. Next, you can do the following to treat it:

Some drugs can also be obtained at pharmacies. But be aware that for children, because free drugs without a prescription are not recommended for children of a certain age.

That is an explanation of the causes and ways to treat sore throats. For prevention, it can be done by maintaining health, such as cleaning hands, avoiding close contact with people with sore throat, runny nose, and respiratory tract infections. Plus, avoid being exposed to cigarette smoke.