JAKARTA - OpenAI Board of Directors approached Anthropic competitor CEO to replace Chief Sam Altman and the possibility of combining two artificial intelligence startups (AI). This was said by two people who received information about it.
Anthropic CEO, Dario Amodei, reportedly rejected the two options, said the two men.
This news, reported earlier by The Information on Monday, followed various call reports to find Altman replacement a few days after the OpenAI Board of Directors dismissed him.
OpenAI refused to comment, and the Board member Adam D'Angelo did not immediately respond to requests to comment.
On Sunday, the council offers a former twitch CEO, Emmett Shear, to become an interim chief, received. Meanwhile, Altman agreed to join Microsoft together with other key personnel from OpenAI. On Monday, almost all of more than 700 startup employees threatened to stop, including one of the executives at the OpenAI Council today.
Anthropic founders, who are also executives in OpenAI until 2020, have separated from their employers because of disapproval of how to ensure safe development and governance.
Anthropic has received an investment from Alphabet and Amazon.com Google. The AI Claude model is competing to get attention with OpenAI's GPT series.
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