JAKARTA - As planned, the Nusantara Tiga Satellite or SATRIA-1 has successfully entered its orbit in space on Monday, October 30, 2023.
"We are very grateful that SATRIA-1 arrived successfully in orbit 146 degrees East Longitude after it was launched on June 18, 2023 and after that managed to conduct an Electrical Orbit Raising (EOR) towards its orbital position," Adi said in an official broadcast received on Tuesday, October 31.
Adi also mentioned that the third deployment of satellite antennas as one of the critical stages has been passed well. Thus, the communication payload will begin at the end of November.
Then, it will be continued with an overall trial to be fully operational by December 2023.
PSN Operations Director and Deputy Project Director of SNT, Heru Dwikartono, explained that SATRIA-1 will currently undergo other pre-operational stages which will intensively enter the integration and testing sessions of the satellite segment and segment of the earth segment.
"In the satellite segment, SNT must first ensure the final test results to state that the satellite is in nominal condition after the orbital phase is increased," he explained.
After entering the first Final Session and Electrical Station Keeping (ESK) phase, the satellite will undergo the In-Orbit Testing (IOT) stage on November 6 to check the satellite's performance, especially for payload subsystems.
"After the end of the IOT, SNT will undergo an integration process with the ground system and End-to-End trials so that they are ready to operate," said Heru.
In the SATRIA-1 project, PSN Group through SNT prepared 11 Earth Stations spread throughout Indonesia, which will function to monitor and control satellites with Earth Stations located in Cikarang, West Java as main satellite control stations and network operations centers (Network Operation Center).
The backup satellite control station (Back-Up Satellite Control Center) is located in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. Meanwhile, other Earth Stations will function as gateways, including those located in Batam, Pontianak, Tarakan, Manado, Kupang, Ambon, Manokwari, Timika, and Jayapura.
"After it is confirmed that everything is functioning properly, the SATRIA-1 satellite will be used by the Telecommunication and Information Accessibility Agency, the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (BAKTI Kominfo) to provide internet services for regions throughout Indonesia," Adi concluded.
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