
JAKARTA - Currently, many technology companies have their own artificial intelligence (AI) powered chatbots, starting from OpenAI with ChatGPT, Microsoft with Bing AI, and Google with Bard AI.

Using the increasingly improved Large League Model (LLM), Google's Bard AI chatbot can now reply to your questions in real time, as previously seen by 9to5Google.

Previously, Bard would only send responses or answers when they were finished. But, with the update now, you can see at a glance your answers as they are generated.

Interestingly, Google is giving its users full control over this update, where if you don't want Bard to respond to your questions in real time, you can still switch between the “Respond in real time” and “Respond when complete” options from the gear icon in the right corner above the Bard's window.

This real-time response is not the first time Bard AI has created it, but Bing Chat, Microsoft's AI chatbot, and ChatGPT have also used the method of responding in real time before.

It appears this capability has not yet been rolled out globally. When VOI tried it via smartphone, Bard Google still gave an answer when it had a complete response or finished responding.

However, according to The Verge, with this real time response, if you don't like the resulting response, Google will allow you to interrupt the bot in the middle of a sentence.

When Bard starts composing a reply, you will see a “Skip response” button appear above the prompt box. Press that option, and Bard will stop generating the reply, allowing you to type another question or recreate the answer without having to wait for the entire answer.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by