
JAKARTA - At the launch of Pixel Watch 2 at the Made by Google show, this smartwatch was introduced with a series of greatness. One of the Pixel Watch 2 capabilities that Google highlighted was the ability to monitor its heart rate.

Through a release on its official website some time ago, Google said that the Pixel Watch 2 showed the most accurate tracking results among trackers and other smartwatches, of course including Fitbit.

This accuracy is supported by three new sensors that Google is developing. In addition, Pixel Watch 2 also uses an upgraded heart rate algorithm based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

With so many LEDs generated, the heart rate becomes more accurate than the previous version. Google also said that this sensor is 40 percent more accurate for various heavy activities such as High Intensity Interval Exercise (HIIT), rotating, and rowing.

Google admits that they use the Fitbit Body Response feature in Pixel Watch 2. This feature supported by an electrodermal activity sensor (cEDA) can show signs of stress from the detection of heart rate variability and skin temperature.

Although Google is very proud of this feature, no one knows how accurate this heart rate sensor is. Even a Fitbit Charge 4 class cannot achieve perfect accuracy.

Fitbit had an error of less than 10 percent when tested in the JMR research project and became one of the best heart rate measurements so far. If Google claims Pixel Watch 2 is better in heart rate measurements, then the percentage of their errors is smaller than Fitbit.

However, keep in mind that smartwatches will never be accurate in measuring heart rate because they are not medical devices. Don't rely too much on this Pixel Watch 2 and keep an eye on health by going to the doctor.

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