JAKARTA - Ahead of the General Election (2024 Election), Minister of Communication and Information Budi Arie Setiadi said that the Ministry of Communication and Information encourages the agenda of the 2024 Peace Election.
The 2024 Peaceful Election is the government's agenda in accompanying the holding of elections for the next 13 months, whose goal is to realize peaceful, dignified, and quality elections.
"We hope that all stakeholders and digital platforms can continue to help and work together to make it all happen," said Minister of Communication and Information Budi in his remarks at the Google #YukPahamiPemilu event on Wednesday, September 20 in Jakarta.
The Minister of Communication and Information also revealed a tendency to increase the spread of negative content related to political issues in the form of digital platforms, ahead of the 2019 elections.
Overall, from 2018 to September 19, 2023, there were at least 1,471 hoax issues related to politics in Indonesia. For the period August 2022 - August 2023, Budi said there were 154 hoax issues circulating on the internet.
As an effort to handle negative content ahead of the 2024 General Election, upstream, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics will increase public digital literacy and skills by campaigning, education, and massive socialization through the Digital Literacy National Movement (GNLD).
Furthermore, in the middle, Kominfo will issue hoax clarification related to elections, as well as terminate access/take down on sites and content on digital platforms containing hoaxes.
"At the downstream level, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics provides listing support to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police to carry out law enforcement efforts against hoax creators and spreaders," continued Budi.
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