
JAKARTA - Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has become increasingly popular lately. Companies around the world are starting to use AI to optimize their business, from technology companies to the financial sector and the healthcare industry.

According to the latest report from IDC, by the end of 2022, it is estimated that more than 80% of companies worldwide have adopted AI technology in their business. This shows that AI is one of the biggest technology trends in the world today.

However, the question that often arises is how much AI technology is actually used in the world today? According to a report from Gartner, by 2021, it is estimated that around 37% of companies worldwide have adopted AI technology in their business.

The development of AI technology also continues to increase from year to year. By 2022, it is estimated that global spending on AI technology will reach US$98 billion, an increase of 30% from the previous year.

However, even though AI technology offers many benefits to businesses, such as operational efficiency and cost savings, there are still some challenges to overcome. Some of these challenges include the lack of quality data, lack of trust from users, and concerns about data privacy and security.

In this regard, the role of government and related institutions is very important to regulate the use of AI technology and ensure that this technology is used in an ethical and responsible way.

Overall, AI technology has become one of the biggest trends in the world today and is expected to continue to grow in the future. By continuing to develop this technology, it is hoped that AI can provide greater benefits to society and help solve various problems in the world.

As a country with a growing technology industry, Indonesia has several interesting artificial intelligence projects and products. Here are some examples of Indonesia's artificial intelligence:


Netray is an artificial intelligence platform developed by an Indonesian technology company named PT Atmatech Global Informatika. This platform is used to monitor and analyze content from various online sources, including news and social media. By using machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) technology, Netray can process and identify public sentiment or opinion regarding a topic or brand in real-time.

Netray can be used by companies to monitor their brand image in social media and online news. In addition, Netray can also be used by government agencies to monitor public issues and public sentiment regarding government policies.

AI Care

AI Care is an artificial intelligence-based health application. AI Care uses machine learning technology and data analysis to monitor health symptoms and provide appropriate treatment recommendations.

AI Care can also provide recommendations for a healthy diet and various types of exercise according to the user's health condition. This application is also equipped with a user's medical history recording feature, so doctors can monitor the development of the user's health condition more effectively.


HARA is an artificial intelligence project created by an Indonesian company called Dattabot. HARA uses blockchain technology to collect data from farmers and present it in the form of analysis to help them make better decisions in crop management and agricultural business. is a chatbot-based artificial intelligence platform developed by a technology company from Indonesia. This platform helps companies build virtual assistants and chatbots that can communicate with users in real-time.


WIRI (We Are Indonesian Intelligence) is an artificial intelligence project developed by the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). This project aims to build a system that can collect and analyze data related to Indonesian social and cultural life.


Qlue is an artificial intelligence platform that helps governments monitor and fix problems in cities. The platform uses machine learning technology and image analysis to detect and report issues such as traffic jams, crime, and environmental issues.


AkuLaku is a digital financial platform that uses artificial intelligence to perform credit analysis and risk assessment. This platform helps Indonesians to gain access to financial products such as loans and credit more easily and quickly.

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