
JAKARTA Memories today, 10 years ago, May 16, 2014, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) appointed Chairul Tanjung (CT) as Coordinating Minister for the Economy (Menko Perkonomi). SBY assesses that CT has the capacity and ability to build the Indonesian economy.

Previously, Hatta Rajasa's wish to accompany Presidential Candidate Prabowo Subianto as vice presidential candidate in the 2014 election was final. Hatta chose to avoid conflicts of interest by resigning from the position of Coordinating Minister for the Economy. The government is also in a hurry to find a replacement.

In addition, Indonesia welcomes the presence of the 2014 presidential election. The presidential election is said to be special because President SBY guarantees that he will be neutral in political contestation. He did not side with the A or B camps. Even though the presidential candidate later shifted to both names.

The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) is advancing the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Meanwhile, the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) is advancing Prabowo Subianto. The two party machines began to look for a vice presidential candidate. The search was carried out carefully.

The supporting parties need time to think capable figures are also able to gain a lot of votes in the process of the upcoming July 9, 2014 democratic party. The choice of the vice presidential candidate is finally final. Jokowi was paired with Jusuf Kalla and Prabowo Subianto with the Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) who is also the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Hatta Rajasa.

Hatta did not immediately accept Prabowo's proposal. He chose to step down as Minister in the SBY government first. All of this was because of the rules available at that time, state officials who wanted to become presidential and vice-presidential candidates had to resign.

They are also required to get the president's blessing. Hatta's decision to resign was taken on May 13, 2014. President SBY also accepted Hatta's decision. Although, the government must be busy looking for a replacement for Hatta. Because, finding a capable ministerial candidate for the remainder of the position is not easy.

"As a minister who is still active, of course, I must report to the President. And also in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, ministerial state officials participate in the election of the President and Vice President, the provisions must submit their resignations. And obtain permission from the President," said Hatta as quoted on the VOA Indonesia website, May 14, 2014.

The government is really busy. The power of attorney has indeed read the possibility of Hatta running as a vice presidential candidate. However, to really be elected about accompanying one of the other presidential candidates is a question.

President SBY then looked for a replacement. The name of the entrepreneur and chairman of the National Economic Committee (KEN), Chairul Tanjung appeared to be the most powerful candidate. Finally, President SBY then appointed CT as the new Coordinating Minister for the Economy on May 16, 2014.

SBY assessed that CT has great capacity to bring the Indonesian economy to life. SBY believes that the CT label as one of the richest Indonesian people according to Forbes magazine is not just anyone. Moreover, CT has helped SBY a lot as Chairman of the KEN Committee.

CT is also the person who participated in compiling the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI). A series of reasons made the government optimistic that CT could carry out its position properly. CT was then officially inaugurated as Coordinating Minister for the Economy on 19 May 2014.

"I have made the decision to appoint Mr. CT to become the new Coordinating Minister for the Economy. Including his views so that the policies taken by the government can be implemented properly. Therefore, I have the right view of Pak CT replacing Pak Hatta as Coordinating Minister for the Economy with me in the next 6 months," explained SBY as quoted by the page, May 16, 2014.

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