JAKARTA - The rate of destruction of Indonesian forests often gets the world's attention. The government's commitment in carrying out the agenda for saving the environment has not been serious. Instead of real action, the agenda of those in power is dominated by mere rhetoric. World's celebrity, Harrison Ford was furious. His anger became uncontrollable when he met the Minister of Forestry during the administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Zulkifli Hasan. The Indiana Jones actor smelled the Minister of Forestry's bad behavior. Among other things about injustice, illegality, and corruption.
There is no denying that the rate of forest destruction in Indonesia is quite high. The narrative is reinforced by the attention of the world record keeper, The Guinness Book of World Records. They noted that Indonesia holds the record as the country with the fastest rate of forest destruction in the world in 2008.
The note is no joke. Indonesia loses 1.8 million hectares of forest every year. The world record award is definitely not something to be proud of. Indonesia should be ashamed. Because, the overall condition of Indonesia's forests is in a threatening condition. It is also predicted that forest destruction will fill Indonesia's dark record in the years to come.

The Indonesian government actually does not turn a blind eye. The owner of the power is aware of the forest destruction that has occurred in the archipelago. Especially with the clearing of land for oil palm on a large scale. The seriousness of the government is also a major problem. Environmental Observer, Yani Sagaroa spoke up. He saw that the government often vetted the declining rate of forest destruction.
The glorification has been boasted several times in high-level environmental forums. Like a celebration of success. In fact, people who see the conditions on the ground on a daily basis, actually find different facts. The rate of forest destruction is increasing. Therefore, Yani said that the government's agenda to save the environment was nothing more than mere rhetoric.
"I see that the government's commitment is only rhetoric. We often take examples, for example, the global agendas that are currently busy, especially in environmental high-level conferences, for emission reductions that are carried out using external funding schemes or with our own capabilities. It may just be small talk, because the agenda discussed is more about the business nuances which are very dominant in the process of saving the environment.”
"We see Indonesia's ability to save the environment is small. Moreover, the rate of destruction is quite high. If I take the example in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) only. NTB is a reflection of an area with a high and rapid rate of forest destruction. It reaches more than 300 thousand hectares per year. So to carry out the recovery process, it will take a long time. Decades may be the process. Compare if it is pursued nationally. Of course very difficult. Moreover, our finances are supported by foreign loans," said Yani Sagaroa who is also a former National Council of the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (WALHI), to VOI, on June 16.
Harrison Ford Angry
The world is also watching the rate of forest destruction in Indonesia. Hollywood actor Harrison Ford is one of them. He also joined in the making of the documentary Years of Living Dangerously (2014). The film was made to focus on global warming. Indonesia is one of the countries being observed.
In the film, Ford is seen riding a helicopter and watching the destruction of forests in Tesso Nilo National Park, Riau. Through the naked eye Ford saw thousands of hectares of forest around the deforested national park. He suspects that the thousands of hectares of production forest land came from the irresponsible actions of the authorities.
Ford couldn't hide his annoyance. He also couldn't wait to meet the Indonesian Minister of Forestry, Zulkifli Hasan. He was very disappointed with his findings. He hopes that the authorities can tackle the problem of forest destruction immediately. Ford also said: I can't wait to see the minister of forestry! I can't wait!
The long-awaited day has finally arrived. On September 9, 2013, Ford visited the office of the Ministry of Forestry. He also conducted the interview in Zulkifli Hasan's office or who is familiarly called Zulhas. Ford was neatly dressed in a suit. Zulhas was wearing his official clothes.

Ford began the interview without further ado. Ford immediately told his findings in the field about the destruction of forests in Indonesia. The Indiana Jones actor revealed that in the last 15 years, 80 percent of Indonesia's forests have been exploited commercially.
He has also interviewed many people and got answers. Everything always boils down to the strong relationship between business and politics in Indonesia. Zulhas did not remain silent. He said Indonesia was a little behind. In a sense, Indonesia is just learning democracy and it takes time to be balanced in protecting the environment.
That answer didn't quench Ford's thirst for curiosity. He kept asking other questions. Ford questioned the government's commitment to promote the agenda of saving the environment. Zulhas answered casually. Even when Ford mentioned his exploration of the Tesso Nilo National Park, Zulhas laughed a little. And that laugh made Ford furious: it's not funny.
"It's not funny. Only 18 percent remained. We see it, there are new streets, new illegal roads, deforestation, trees strewn on the ground, burning where they fall. It's very concerning, very sad, you've seen it, you promised a resolution," Ford said.

The Chicago-born actor revealed that he had seen the facts on the ground that the agenda of saving the forest was only a hoax by the government. Ford was even more furious when Zulhas revealed that what was happening in Indonesia was different from what was happening in America.
Zulhas again did not want to lose. He revealed the government has been trying to solve this problem every day. As a result, Ford immediately asked Zulhas to stop the act of destroying the forest immediately. Bake away from fire. The accepted answer did not satisfy Ford.
"Well, I see that prosperity is indeed very popular in Indonesia. Deep down, I see here there is injustice, there is illegality, and there is corruption. Thank you for your time,” concluded Harrison Ford.
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