
JAKARTA – In today's memory, 21 years ago, August 10, 2001, President Megawati Soekarnoputri appointed Muhammad Feisal Tamin as Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment (Menpan). Feisal Tamin was asked by Megawati by telephone in the early hours of the morning and he immediately agreed.

The appointment is proof of Megawati's commitment to reorganizing the ranks of the troubled officials. All for the sake of the people. Moreover, Megawati's leadership is doubted by many parties. The doubt arose because Megawati was a woman.

The New Order (Orba) made Megawati's name stick out. Even during the New Order era, the daughter of Son of Dawn began to enter the world of politics. Megawati's position is clear. She wants to fight for the fate of the wong cilik (poor people). The desire was none other than to continue the dream of her late father, Soekarno.

Megawati uses the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) as her political vehicle. However, due to political turmoil, Megawati emerged with a new party, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP). The party became the right vehicle for her to fight on the Indonesian political trajectory.

Megawati's political career was on the rise. Moreover, after the New Order. Megawati increasingly exists in the world of politics. The road to becoming a famous figure is wide open. She was elected as Vice President of Indonesia alongside Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) in 1999. Or after Habibie resigned his position as President of Indonesia.

Muhammad Feisal Tamin, Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment in the Gotong Royong Cabinet in the era of President Megawati Soekarnoputri. (Wikimedia Commons)

Two years later, she succeeded Gus Dur as President of Indonesia. Megawati is the only female president in Indonesia's history. Her job as the number one person in Indonesia is not easy. She must immediately Indonesia to again leave the slump due to the 1998 monetary crisis.

“Megawati became president in Indonesia's shaky conditions. Therefore, Megawati can be likened to a Dewi Pertiwi (mother) who came down to the world when all her children were in trouble and had many difficulties.”

“In the beginning, many doubted Megawati's leadership because she was a woman, but in fact, this factor has become the decisive differentiator. Megawati is a mother, and her maternal instincts guide her well in exercising power,” said SD Darmono in the book Bringing Civilizations Together (2019).

Megawati's first attempt as president was to clean up. All kinds of state apparatus that are indicated to be dilapidated (corrupt and dishonest) are immediately cleaned up. All for the sake of making it easier for Indonesia to rise from adversity.

Megawati Soekarnoputri also tried to be selective in choosing her ministers. For her, ministers must have competent experience in their field. The election of Muhammad Feisal Tamin as Minister for the Empowerment of State Apparatus, for example. The son from Bima, NTB was appointed on August 10, 2001.

“That was the condition of the bureaucracy when President Megawati Soekarnoputri asked me to become State Minister for the Empowerment of State Apparatus (Menpan). When on Wednesday, August 10, 2001, at 24.20 in the morning, Mrs. Mega called, I was sure she understood my principles, my stance, and my background. At first, the President's aide called, conveying Mrs. Mega's wish to speak.”

“I was silent for a moment when I heard Mrs. Mega's statement. Then I gave an answer: If it is in the interest of the nation and the state, and is an honor, from her, then I cannot refuse. I have to help the President to successfully carry out the people's mandate," said Muhammad Feisal Tamin in the book The Brave Girl (2019).

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