
JAKARTA - President Soekarno's closeness to Islam cannot be doubted. HOS Tjokroaminoto is behind it. The figure of Bung Karno's boarding house father was not only a political mentor, but also a religious teacher. Every time there was a Muhammadiyah discussion event, Bung Karno was often invited.

Bung Karno also knew a lot about Islamic values because of it. Prophet Muhammad is his role model. His Islam was even more honed when he went to prison. Islam is also considered the breath of the struggle for independence. In fact, during the fasting month.

Maybe when he was a child Soekarno was not educated to study Islam. He did embrace Islam. However, Bung Karno had no friends or mentors who taught him Islamic values. He didn't mind that either. Moreover, his own father was not very qualified in the field of religion.

Bung Karno did not give up. He actually found Islam in his own way. He discovered Islam since he was often invited by his boarding house father, HOS Tjokroaminoto to attend meetings of the Islamic organization Muhammadiyah. Soekarno, who was 15 years old, was immediately attracted. He learned a lot about Islamic values.

President Soekarno. (WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)

After that, Bung Karno attended regular visits to Muhammadiyah events. The event is held once a month. Bung Karno considered the event to contain a lot of knowledge. After all, the meeting did not only target the audience as listeners. Visitors who come can also ask questions. Because, in the event, there is a question and answer session.

According to Soekarno, the session was quite exciting. He also felt represented by the questions asked, a.k.a Bung Karno's skepticism towards Islam was represented. His emotional closeness to Islam was awakened. Even that closeness continued to accompany Bung Karno to fight and go to prison while in Bandung. It was in that prison that he became more acquainted with and studied Islam.

“So I am a person who fears God and loves God from birth and this belief has fused with me. I never received regular religious education because my father was not deep in that field. I discovered Islam myself at the age of 15, when I accompanied the Tjokro family to join a religious and social organization called Muhammadiyah. The meeting hall is across from our house in Gang Peneleh.”

“Once a month from eight o'clock until well past midnight 100 people jostle to listen to religious lessons and this is followed by a question and answer session. Even though I enjoy listening to it, I haven't really and truly discovered Islam until I go to prison. It was in prison that I became a true believer,” said Bung Karno as written by Cindy Adams in the book Bung Karno: Penyambung Lidah Rakyat Indonesia (1965).

Admirer of the Prophet Muhammad

Soekarno also declared himself as an admirer of the Prophet Muhammad. The actions of the Prophet Muhammad in fighting for the religion of Islam were adopted. He used the spirit of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad to bring Indonesia free from the shackles of Dutch colonialism. The spell was successful. Indonesia has proclaimed its independence on August 17, 1945.

However, this independence re-invited the Dutch desire to dominate Indonesia. The Dutch began to land their troops under the banner of the Netherland Indies Civil Administration (NICA) in Jakarta.

The landing of the troops put Jakarta in danger. The leaders of the nation also agreed that the capital city of Indonesia should be moved from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. People then remember that time as a time of revolution.

The move made the Netherlands furious. They kept urging Indonesia to surrender immediately. The Dutch Military Aggression I was then promoted by the Windmill Country. The operation was aimed at weakening the Indonesian resistance.

President Soekarno at an event at the State Palace in Jakarta. (WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)

Soekarno also took the Dutch resistance seriously. Instead of giving up, he chose to fight. Moreover, the First Military Aggression which took place on 21 Jul 1947 – 5 Aug 1947. The aggression coincided with the month of July which marked the entry of the month of Ramadan. Bung Karno then stirred up resistance. The excitement was sparked because he was inspired by the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad.

“Keep fighting, even if you are currently fasting. Because the Prophet Muhammad also fought during a month of fasting. So the war 'clash' was terrible and the Dutch were unable to advance. East Java was indeed colonized by them: an economic area with a company. But they couldn't go any further because we were able to survive," said Soekarno as quoted by Mischa de Vreede in the book Selamat Merdeka: Kemerdekaan yang Direstui (2013).

Indonesian Sovereignty Recognized

Military Aggression I failed miserably. The Indonesian nation's resistance is so strong. Even during the fasting month. The victory was able to pump the spirit of the entire Indonesian nation. From those who choose the path of taking up arms to diplomacy. This spirit succeeded in suppressing the Dutch attack in the Second Dutch Military Aggression.

As a result, Indonesia's sovereignty was recognized by the Dutch in 1949. Bung Karno was not immediately complacent. The spirit of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad continued to be fueled at every opportunity. He wants all Indonesian people to imitate or explore the struggles of the Prophet Muhammad.

President Soekarno gave a speech. (WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)

“The spirit of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad fueled the implementation of the three framework goals of the Indonesian revolution – establishing Indonesia, a just government, and being friendly to the world's countries. The spirit of his teachings. Yes, that's true! It is the spirit of the teaching that brings us to the struggle. It is the spirit of his teachings that makes us willing to sacrifice to achieve our goals. It was the spirit of the teachings that brought us to the Indonesian revolution. It is this spirit of teaching that has made the Indonesian nation what it is today.”

"Vivekananda, a Hindu person said that Muhammad had a bledek soul, thunderbolt means bledek, lightning. So in Muhammad's soul, according to Vivekananda's words, resided a soul like a bledek. Well, people glorify him, we have to imitate him. So, therefore, my hope is that the Indonesian people too have a bledek spirit," said President Soekarno, in his address at the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's Birthday at the Bung Karno Main Stadium, August 6, 1963.

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